Chapter 5: The Attack

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Hana P.O.V
"Ok guys three guards at north west five guards at north east corner. Guards in every room so be careful!"

"Renjun can you not scream into the ear piece when giving instructions?"

"It wasn't me! That was Yangyang!"

"See you're screaming now!"

"Can you guys shut up?" Doyoung spat annoyingly as he disabled his earpiece, giving us a look. We were currently outside the Golden Peasants headquarters and I had to admit, as I admired the exterior of the building, the old hag sure had a lot of money. The whole of NCT came along, taking this chance as a attack on GP (Golden peasants). Due to his injury, Renjun and stayed back with Yangyang and Winwin who had tracked down the video location and hacked into the whole buildings security system and CCTV cameras. All under 5 minutes. Impressive.

"Guys gather for a second. Let's go over the plan again." The plan was simple, get in, use me as a lure, get Yeorin out, take out my dad and GP and bang, NCT wins again. It wasn't that hard, was it? I totally wasn't scared that I may or may not die.

"Oh daddy!"I shouted and tried to stop my voice from trembling. I slowly made my way into the building. Despite its exterior being so pretty, it looked really really run down inside. The door lead to a dark hallway with a tiny light at the end and I gulped nervously, knowing that I had to proceed.

"Don't worry Hana. We'll attack if he hurts you." Jisungs reassured me over the earpiece that I was wearing. I took a deep breathe and made my way to the light, hoping that I was going to be able save Yeorin. After what seemed like an eternity, I finally reached the door and I flinched at the screams coming inside.

"Hana! Hana! Please stop!" I bit my lips and opened the door, unable to take it any further. I thought Yeorin looked bad enough in the video but I was wrong. She was lying on the floor, half beaten up, red streaks on her exposed legs and was generally a mess. There was a trail of blood coming from the corner of her mouth and her eyes were half-closed.

"Yeorin!" I ran towards her only to be stopped by the familiar cold metal feeling on my temple.

"So you came huh?" I clenched my teeth and resisted the urge to punch his face.

"I'm here so let her go. Now." He scoffed at my words and smirked.

"You really think I'm that kind person who would keep to his promise? I thought you learned that the answer is no." One of his guards pulled Yerorin up from the floor and she screamed but stopped when she saw me.

"Hana, you're here. You're safe. Now I can die peacefully." She forced out a small laugh before choking out a mouthful of blood. I felt the tears gather in my eyes.

"No Yeorin. Don't joke like that." I shouted as I lunged forward and this time, no one stopped me.

"Don't worry Hana we're coming, ask Yeorin to hang on." I nodded my head at Taeyong's voice from my earpiece. In almost a second, I heard a loud bang and sound of guns being loaded. That was the start of chaos.

Renjun P.O.V.
"Jungwoo 9 o'clock. Yuta 5 o'clock. Jeno 6 o'clock."

"They have more guards coming in from south west and north east."

"Fuck someone back Xiaojun up."

Even though we weren't with them, the tense atmosphere was still present. Our eyes darted around the screens, searching for more guards that we coming in or sneaking attacks. We outnumbered them but they were all so much more buffer than us. Heck, Hana's dad was even taller than Johnny. I heard Winwin sigh and mumble, "Poor Taeil and Ten." The guard Ten was fighting elbowed him in the ribs and he fell back, only to be punching in the back by another one off then. Before he hit the ground, Johnny caught him and with two clicks of his gun, another two bodies were dead on the ground. I saw Hana shivering in the corner as she hugged onto Yeorin tightly. I sighed at this and continued for the lookout.

"Shit shit." I heard Winwin mutter beside me. My own eyes flashed across the screen and stood up in a rush as I shouted into the headset.

"Hana Hana!" Almost immediately, the whole NCT stopped in their actions, only to whip their heads around to see Hana's own dad fire his gun at Hana. Everything seemed to be moving in slow motion, the bullet whipping past another guards head and it pierced through the air and headed straight to Hana's head. Hana herself opened her eyes in shock and braced herself for the impact as everyone ran towards her. But it was too late.

Hana P.O.V.
I waited for the impact and squeezed my eyes shut, waiting to be greeted by angels floating around, but it never came. I heard a collective gasp echo around me and my eyes flew open. And I wished I never opened them.

I saw her, Kim Yeorin, my best friend for 13 years, the only person who accepted me as the daughter of a mafia gang leader, the only person who stood by me during my toughest times, lying limp before me, blood gushing out of a hole in her head. I felt the tears gush to my eyes and let out a scream that echoed in the dark room.

For a second there was silence. For a good second everyone wasn't moving. Then the chaos continued. This seemed to fuel NCT more and they mercilessly fired their guns, blowing out the brains of Golden Peasants one by one. I cupped Yeorin's cheeks and I could feel the hot liquid drip from my cheek onto her face, disappearing as they mixed with her blood. Her eyes weren't shut tight like other dead people; they were staring straight into space and I hoped for them to be filled with the usual life again. But it wasn't going to happen.
She was gone. Gone. Because of me. She took that bullet for me. A ghost of a smile lingered on her pale face and her words echoed in my mind again.

Hana, you're here. You're safe. Now I can die peacefully.

I looked up and stared at my dad with pure hatred in my eyes.

"You stupid motherfucker. You killed my mum and now my best friend! My brother now is in hell too! What else do you want!" I screamed. He looked at me with an unreadable expression before letting out a smirk.

"You. Dead."

Wordlessly, he left the room and the remaining guards alive followed suit. NCT fired at them furiously but they dodged it expertly and fired back. From my sitting position, I saw their shoes walk towards me and a couple of them bend down, guilt and sadness evident in their eyes.

"Hana let's go."

"No! Not with Yeorin!" I hugged Yeorin's already cold, lifeless body tightly as I felt my head grow hazy. I felt someone hoist me up from the floor as I passed out, from shock? Or the fact that I lost my best friend, my one and only friend, and she was killed by my dad for taking a bullet for me.

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