Chapter 39: Today

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Hana P.O.V. (Of chapter 37)

"Track them... attack..." When I stirred into consciousness again, the first thing that I heard weren't the same sickly laugh which a kick was accompanied by as usual. Siyeon wasn't even here.

I swallowed the metallic liquid in my mouth while attempting to sit up, in which I failed miserably. I pushed the locks of frizzy hair out of my face. I could not imagine looking at myself in a mirror.

"Now... send them..." I hesitated. Should I... My mind was racing with possibilities if Siyeon found out I was eavesdropping on her.

I dragged myself across the dirty floor, where specks of blood, my blood, decorated it. I peered my ear to the heavily bolted door, hearing Siyeon's voice again.

"Where are they?" There was a muffled answer which I didn't catch, but the voice was gruff, a male's. Who were the 'they' she was talking about?

"Send more men this time, I want more of them defeated this time. If he is even going to, I need him to come alone tomorrow."
"But... boss..."

"No buts, do you want to be dead too?" I shuddered at Siyeon's icy voice. I guess the commanded male had mutually agreed to Siyeon's plan as there were no more talking from that point onwards. I heard a pair of footsteps that seemed to travel away from outside the door. I flinched and pulled myself away from the door when I heard a gunshot ring out. There was a heavy thud as a body, I presumed, fell to the ground.

"Pathetic." I heard Siyeon whispered. Then there was silence. My heart skipped a beat and I tried to stand up, half crawling back to where I was supposed to be. Keeping my breathing steady, I lied down onto the ground again, shutting my eyes the same moment the door banged open.

Clip, clop, clip, clop.

Went her heels.

Desperately trying to keep my eyes together, I felt a cold breath against my face. A gaze pierced into me as the strong sickly perfume filled and tickled my nose. I don't remembering saying a short prayer or anything but I do remember almost having a heart attack when she brushed her hand against my cheek, sending sparks to electricity through my veins.

She whispered.

"Don't worry hun, if your boyfriend doesn't die today, he would tomorrow, with you."

That was when it clicked.

They. It was NCT.

Him. It was Renjun.

Siyeon sent men out to attack NCT.

I heard the door click shut again, and when I peeked my eyes open, she was gone. Panic built up in me as I looked around the almost empty room, wishing that I could teleport to Renjun right now to warn him. I shouldn't have gotten mad at him that day, all these wouldn't have happened, but it was too late now.

To my utmost delight and relief, my eyes landed on a silver object on the table in the corner of the room. Standing up unsteadily, my trembling hands reached out of Siyeon's phone.

No Hana, you're actually going to die if you do this.

Shut up, I'm going to die anyways. You heard what Siyeon said.

But this is different.

No difference, I need to save my boyfriend, even if it means risking my life.


Shut up, no buts.

And with that, I shut out the annoying voice at the back of my head.

"Password... password..." I muttered nervously to myself, only realizing then that I had no idea how to unlock Siyeon's phone.

"Uh.... Her birthday?"
Password incorrect

Password incorrect

Password incorrect.

Password incorrect.

I wracked my brain for the possibilities of the 4 digit password. The dull pain in my leg seemed to prevent my remaining one brain cell to function properly.

"Oh my fucking gosh, shit shit. What if..."
I hesitated for a second before entering Renjun's birthday: 0323.

"This motherfucker..." I didn't know whether to be super happy or extremely enraged when the password worked. Focus Hana, focus.

I could see my fingers quivering as I opened the app. I felt numbed when I finally pressed the call button, the sound echoing in my ears.

To say that I was scared, is an understatement.
What would Renjun's reaction be if he realized I was calling from Siyeon's phone?

"Where the fuck is Hana, Siyeon..."
"Renjun! I'm not her! I'm Hana!"

Only after a second did I realize how loud my voice was, hysterical and cracking. Shit. How long have I gone without water? I could only focus on his heavy breathing on the other line, occasionally crackling, thanks to the bad connection in the basement.

"Hana? Where are you, tell me now! Are you safe? Did she do anything to you?"
"Renjun shut up and listen to me!"

I couldn't bear cutting him off. His usually strong voice was gentle and trembling and I could imagine him on the verge of tears, like I was now. A feeling of nostalgia washed over me at his voice. But I knew I had little time left, any moment now Siyeon was going to burst through the door and point a gun at my head.

"Renjun, Siyeon got a tracking device on one of you. She sent people to go attack you guys. You need to get away! They are coming from the main road!" I blurted out all the information I had, desperate for him to be safe. To be alive.

"Thanks. Angel, where are you? How did you get S-Sieyeon's..." I couldn't hear the last part of his sentence but even so I figured what he was asking.

"What? I can't hear you!" I lied through gritted teeth.
"Angel be safe please."

Those 4 words. It was simple enough to make me choke in my tears. I kept my mouth shut, unable to be sure if I opened it again, my tears won't shoot out again.

"Angel! Hana!"
"Renjun don't worry about me. I'm f..." My voice was cut off, by the sound of a door being slammed open. Shit shit shit. Siyeon is here. She's here. I'm going to die.

"Bye Renjun, be safe I love you...." I hoped I had said see you soon, but it was too late as I felt the whip come into contact with me again. My back, my arm, my stomach. Those scars from previous days which had yet to heal reopened, blood gushing out. The phone slipped out of my hand and I fell to the ground, my determination to live on and not give her the satisfaction all but gone.

I let Siyeon slam her boot onto my leg, hearing a sickly crack which was accompanied by screams. One from me. And one from the phone, Renjun.

No no, he can't hear this, was all I could think as I crawled to the phone, finger inches away from the red button. Siyeon probably, no obviously, saw. She sauntered over and picked up the phone teasingly. Before I could comprehend what was happening, I heard a loud bang that reverberated off the walls. A sharp pain shot up my left leg and the last thing I heard before I blacked out was Siyeon's voice.

"If you want her back alive, you need to fight your way to her."

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