Chapter 52: Good Luck Insurance

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Renjun made his way down the bustling streets of Seoul, slinging Jeno's guitar bag over his shoulder tightly. For a few days, he didn't visit Hana. He spent these days learning from Jeno how to play a guitar, or at least the basics of strumming chords to Dream's self composed song: Dear Dream. The doctor had told him how a patient could hear their surroundings when they're in the coma state. He thought how proud Hana would be of him if she heard him learn the guitar just for her. Maybe she would even wake up earlier. Maybe.

He drummed his fingers on his thigh repeatedly, humming the familiar tune of the song that blasted in his earphones.

"I'll be your-"

Just as he was about to start singing the chorus of the song softly, a witty looking man suddenly jumped in front of his way, appearing out of nowhere, in his hands were a couple of flyers. Good Luck Insurance, it read. Your number one choice to protecting you and your loved ones.

"Morning Sir, would you like to take a moment to consider buying our Goooooood Luck Insurance? Number one here, and you can protect you and your loved ones from all sorts of unfortunate events!" The man's last sentence seemed to ring like a rusty bell in Renjun's brain.

Protect your loved ones. He hadn't been able to protect his loved one.

"Uh Sir?" Renjun was suddenly conscious of his surroundings, realizing how he spaced out.

"I- uh- I-" His hands fiddled around as his brain tried to comprehend a nice way to reject the cheery man. The man's eyes fell as he watched Renjun hesitate, leaning in to whisper, "Sir, my boss is watching from behind and I really need one last customer. If not I'm fired." Renjun gave him a look of sympathy, internally debating whether to stay on or just go.

"Uh- I, okay then... but I-" The man jumped up in excitement and delight, pulling Renjun by the hand eagerly over to a small table situated at the side, going off at the speed of light.

"So basically, our insurance is..." Renjun could barely keep up with the man's speed. He wasn't planning to anyways. His eyes drifted away from the man as time seemed to be passing slowly as the man rambled off. He nodded occasionally, hands never leaving the strap of the guitar bag.

"Sir? What do you think? Would you like to consider our Good Luck Insurance?" Renjun nodded impatiently, ready to leave already. The man jumped up again, clapping his hands like a seal as he handed him a name card.

"Thank you Sir! Here's my name card, contact me anytime you please if you are willing to buy our insurance!" Renjun forced a smile, and stood up, eager to go. The man gripped onto his hand tightly, bowing to him as if to a VIP.

"Once again, thank you Sir!" Then adding in a small voice, he said, "I see you're all dressed up huh? I wish you luck with your girlfriend. Don't mess up chord F if it's in the song."

Renjun stopped in his tracks, looking at the man. A much more genuine smile broke out on his face as he shooed Renjun off.

"Thanks." He whispered softly, hand still clutching tightly onto the flyer and name card, which soon ended up in the dustbin.

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