Chapter 33: Once Again

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"Hey buddy, you there?" Kun's comforting voice sounded at the same time he popped his head into Renjun's room. He stared blankly at the white wall, unable to process what had just happened.

"Renjun..." Kun walked over quietly and at down on his bed, placing a comforting arm on Renjun's.

"I fucked up, Kun, so badly, Hana hates me now." He managed out before a tear made its way down his cheek. Kun gently wiped it away with his thumb from the younger's face.

"To be honest, you actually did." Renjun gave Kun a look and he smiled cheekily.

"But you need to explain yourself, to her. And to us. What really happened?" A serious expression formed on his face. Renjun sighed, well knowing he had to say it.

"It was Siyeon. Who did this." He pointed at his bandaged abdomen. Kun nodded for him to continue.

"A few weeks ago, she came to our house really early in the morning. Came for me." Renjun stopped as he forced down the lump in his throat. Kun rubbed his back soothingly, knowing how hard it was for him.

"Then every night from then onwards, I-"
"Gave her money to protect Hana."
"How did you-"
"I kept track of all your bank accounts for Johnny this month. You were going bankrupt!" They shared a small laugh.

"I actually did. And this was the result. Siyeon is going to get her hands on Hana and... I lied to Hana so much." Renjun buried his face into his hands. It was all his fault. All his damn fucking fault.

"You know, I've never been so proud of you." Renjun looked up in disbelief.

"You sacrificed yourself for Hana. I've never seen you been so... so.... I don't know, heroic before Hana came along. She changed you a lot." His voice lowered to a whisper at the end.

Yes she did. She helped Renjun with his depression, she helped Renjun get over the death of his mum, she changed Renjun into a better person. Because she loved him. And so did he.

"Let's go find her okay?" Kun suggested. Renjun nodded violently, determined to make up his mistake to Hana.

"I think she might be outside..."

"Fuck fuck guys!" Jisung burst through the door, panting heavily. The two were taken aback by his entrance and immediately looked at him worriedly.

"Hana's disappeared. There was... blood." The bottle of water dropped out of his hand as he leaned onto the wall in shock. Kun and Renjun looked at each other, one looking at the other worriedly. Renjun gritted his teeth and curled up his fists. In a low voice, he hissed, "And I might have an idea who."

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