chapter 126: intense training!

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AN: so before this chapter starts, i wanna say sorry! when i first introduced mark i wrote the wrong quirk, he doesnt get stronger he gets hotter. thats all! enjoy!

about a week after the phoenix incident your scars finally stopped hurting, however that means that you have to return to intense training. "kate and mark you two can just continue what your working on, (y/n) come with me." anti-matter says when the three of you show up in your hero costumes. after a while of walking the two of you arrive at your destination. "this should work, i want to see how high you can fly before you need to stop." anti-matter explains now that you are in a secluded area. "i can do that, but why?" you ask, "because of you self sacrificing nature. lets say there is a bomb, and the only way to save people is to fly up into the air. you need to know if you can even accomplish that." he explains, "alright. lets do this!" you say before jogging a small way away from him. you overclock x70 and jump as high as you can, when you reach your peak you start firing x300 overblasts at the ground. you are able to get almost three miles high before running out of energy, as you hurtle back to the ground you think. 'shit! how am i going to survive this?!' you ask yourself, as the ground gets closer and closer you decide what you have to do. when you are close enough to see anti-matter you shoot the ground with a x500 overblast. this completely shreds your arm, however it also softens your fall significantly. "(y/n)!" anti-matter calls as he runs over to you, "hey anti-matter. dont tell kyoka, okay?" you ask, "of course not kid, lets get you to a medic." he says before picking you up and running you back to the lab.

on the way back you pass out because of blood loss, however when you wak up you see yourself back in the infirmary. "well this is familiar." you joke, "(y/n) you really need to stop this, you will be lucky if you only get three scars this time!" the doctor scolds, "listen dr. stoddard, it isnt my fault! anti-matter is the one that tells me what to do!" you defend yourself, "oh, so he forced you to destroy both your arms, then carry someone oozing lava, and then almost fly into orbit?!" she asks, "well no, but still." you relent, "exactly. now get some more rest, and then anti-matter is going to train you more."

three days later, you finally get a break. he has been working you even harder than aizawa ever has, although thankfully you havent broken any bones yet. "wow (y/n), are you okay? you look dead." mark comments when you walk into the cafeteria. "im fine, extremely tired, but fine. anti-matter has been working me to the bone for twenty hours a day, the other four are for eating and sleeping." you explain, "wow, why isnt he going that hard on us?" kate asks, "because im a third year. how long has it been anyway?" you ask, "almost three weeks, right?" mark says unsurely, "something like that." kate agrees, "damn, okay. well i at least get today for resting." you say exhaustedly, "yea, go get some sleep dude." mark urges.
later that evening you wake up and go see how mark and kate are doing. mark is in the glass chambers again, however this time nothing seems to be distressing him. "what is he doing?" you ask an assistant when you walk over, "trying to activate his quirk on his own, although it isnt working too well." he explains, "can i tell him something?" you ask, "sure." the assistant says before gesturing to a microphone in front of him. "hey mark, (y/n) here. i want you to try two things, first try thinking about everything that makes you feel easy and comfortable. maybe if while in distress you put heat out, you absorb it while feeling safe? after that try closing your eyes and picture kate in the worst possible position. i dont think i need to explain." you suggest, he gives you a thumbs up and starts smiling. "wow, you were right. the temperature is decreasing a significant amount." the assistant says while documenting it. "awesome, that worked. now try the imagining thing." you say into the mic. mark closes his eyes and starts frowning, eventually it turns into an angry scowl. "interesting. this is making him exert the same amount of heat as when we had a knife to kates throat. more even." the scientist says with a smile. suddenly you see mark burst into flames, at this point you can tell he is extremely furious. "alright mark, thats probably enough." you say into the mic. this snaps him out of it and he looks around, dazed. "you get lost in your head?" you ask, he then nods. "alright, well im gonna go see if i can help kate with her training, if you ever wanna talk about what you saw, im here." you say before walking away.

when you are able to find kate you see her in a room with three scientists, and one standing outside observing through the window. "whats she doing?" you ask, "trying to only use her quirk on one of them, however she is doing that extremely well already." he explains, "so why not have her try something new?" you ask, "there is nothing else she can do." the scientist says simply, "how about we see if she can bypass her weakness? even while using her quirk she shouldnt be able to control me, however maybe if i was injured or not paying attention?" you suggest, "would you be willing to be used for that?" he asks, "sure, why not?" you agree, "perfect. i will have anti-matter find you tomorrow, until then your dismissed." he says, before you walk away.

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