chapter 44: double agent

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after leaving the dorms for the last time you begin walking towards the mall. 'they said that he should be near a dumpster on my right...' you think, remembering what tsukauchi said. after a few more minutes of walking you see the man sitting on a dumpster, you walk over and start speaking, "hi, i believe you are the one i am supposed to talk to?" you say, "for what?" the lizard man asks, "well, after the fight with overhaul i went into a coma, i had dreams beautiful dreams, i want to make them come true." you say with a creepy smile. "follow me." he says before leading you to an abandoned warehouse. "go through that door." he says pointing towards a hidden door. when you enter you see the a bar, inside it was the entire league of villains. "spinner! why did you bring him!?" shigaraki asks, "hold on, i want to join your little league." you say with an evil grin, "and why would we want you?" shigaraki asks, "you saw what i can do, you saw what i can survive, and to think it was for those stupid bitches...they abandoned me ya know? i want my revenge." you tell him. "why should we trust you?" he asks, "well, if i was on those idiots side than why would i come to you? and if you still dont trust me, give me a mission, i can prove myself." you say. "thats a fair point...kurogiri?" he asks, "i believe that he is being honest tomura." he says. "hes super cute!" toga butts in, 'forgive me kyoka...' "i think your super cute too!" you say adding a wink. " can join...but you will need to prove yourself, after a few days when you have been declared missing, you will get us a list of every U.A student and their quirks." shigaraki says. "yes sir." you reply.

after a few days you and the rest of the league are watching the news on TV:

"recently an orphan and U.A student, (y/n) (l/n) has gone missing, he was last seen eiting the U.A dorms in a black hoodie and jeans. after his disappearance we interviewed a few people he was close to." the screen then cut to the dorm common room. "do you think (y/n) could become a villain?" the reporter asks ochako, "(y/n)? no! never! hes he kindest person i know, he would never do something like that." ochako replys, "what do you think happened?" the reporter asks kyoka, "i-i dont know...i think the league of villains may have gotten him, (y/n) if you are listening i love you." she says.

"fucking liars!" you yell in anger, "im gonna fucking kill those assholes." you say, "well, you might get a chance today, its time for your assignment, except you will also be allowing yourself to be seen and announcing you are a villain now." shigaraki says with a grin. "got it." you say before walking out. "hey, do you guys have any spray paint?" you ask them, "yes, take what you need." kurogiri says before motioning down the hall, when you find them you see black spray paint and take it.

an hour later you are on your way there with your hero suit on. when you arrive at the campus you see several students walking around. 'this might be tough.' you think before overclocking you body x5. "hey! who are you?" a student asks while walking by, "oh...youll find out soon." you reply before jumping past the fences, "someone has cleared the U.A barrier! all teachers please investigate and all students get to your classrooms or hide!" an automated message says causing a panic. before any of your class can see you you jump through nezus window. "ah, good to see you (y/n)." nezu says while you pull down your hood. "hey nezu, is there a file on all the students quirks?" you ask, "yes, second drawer down, better hurry though, all might will be here soon." he says pointing at a file cabinet. "oh, and by the way, this is my villain debut and from now on, whenever i do something i am going to mark it with spray paint that has something to do with the girls, currently my story is they betrayed me and i want revenge." you explain while digging through the files. "okay, will you be revealing who you are today?" he asks, "yep...found it!" you say pulling out a file, "thanks nezu, see ya later!" you say while pulling up your hood and jumping out of the window. "there he is!" you hear someone shout, you look down to see class 1a. 'oh no...' you think to yourself. you then land on the gate in front of them. "why hello 'friends'!" you say pulling off your mask, "(Y/N)!" ochako yells running up to you, "dont fucking call me that!" you yell at her making her stop in her tracks, "from now dread." you say before jumping behind the wall. 'now i just need to tag this...' you think to yourself, you then pull out your spray paint and paint a sloppy frog. "get back here!" you hear all might yell, 'well, time to go.' you say while sprinting away.

withing minutes you were back at the villain base. "im back!" you yell. "good, where is the file?" shigaraki asks, "here." you say handing it to him. "oh my gosh! we just saw what you did on TV! it was so sexy!" toga says, "no more than you are." you tell her. "impressive." dabi says, "how did you escape all might?" spinner asks, "i dont know." you admit.

*tsuyu POV*

a few hours after (y/n) left for his walk we started wondering where he was, by the ime it was past curfew  mina called her parents to see if he was there and kyoka did the same. the next morning we reported it to aizawa. "what do you mean he has been acting weird an then disappeared?" he asks, "well, yesterday he asked us to sleep with him which he has never done before, he said he was just having an emotional day but i could tell he was lying, then the next morning he woke up really early and when we woke up a bunch of his stuff was missing, later he said he was going on a walk and said he loved us, which he has only ever told me, but it wasnt like girlfriend love he said it to the whole group." kyoka explains. "okay, i will file a report, a few of you will also be having interviews, for he time being  you will all start attending homeroom again, jut in case it was a kidnapping." says.

a few day later we heard the alarm go off so we went to check it out, unfortunately thi time it wasnt just the press, it was a villain. over the last few days we had all been handling (y/n)s disappearance pretty poorly, ochako, mina, kyoka, and tooru were hysterical most of the time while me and momo were very upset just trying to keep it together. "hey look! here he is!" bakugo yells pointing up at the villain. "it can be..." kyoka mumbles. "why hello, 'friends'" the villain says while pulling down his was (y/n). "(Y/N)!" ochako screamed while running at him, "DONT FUCKING CALL ME THAT!" he screams with hate in his voice, "from now on! call me...dread." he says darkly, at this point all the girls start crying hysterically. he then drops behind the wall and runs away when all might arrives. "a-all might...w-was that?" mina asks, "yes. im afraid it was." when all might says this most of the class starts crying, even bakugo. "why did he drop down behind the wall?" i ask curiously. "lets go find out." all might say grimly, when we round the corner we see a frog. drawn in black spray paint. "w-why would (y-y/n) do something like this?" ochako asks, "we have reason to believe he has joined the league of villains, supposedly he says that you turned you back on him and betrayed him. girls i am going to need you in nezus office." all might says, "everyone else go back to the dorms." he demands.

when we all sat down nezu began talking, "i understand that (y/n) was like a big brother to you, it pains me to say it but he is no longer the same person, if this is affecting you too badly you are all cleared for therapy with hound dog, if that doesnt help please come see me." he says. "why would he do this!?" kyoka asks angrily, "well, im not sure, but brainwashing might be involved, just know it might also not be, so no rescue attempts, he is a villain now." nezu says. later that night the news ran several articles on what happened and who was behind it, currently (y/n) has no broken any laws, but he came close. '(y/n) why would you turn to their side? we trusted you. but not anymore.'

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