chapter 100: loss

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as soon as momo throws you a sword you walk over to death wraith. "thanks had some good ideas." you say as you raise the sword. suddenly you feel a punch in the neck, you look around but see no one. "snap out of it (y/n)!" you hear izuku yell, then within the blink of an eye everything becomes clear again, you see shoto unconscious in front of kyoka, death wraith sitting in the corner with a sinister grin, and the sword raised above your head, about to kill kyoka. "(y-y/n)...what happened?" she asks, "b-but you were-you were death wraith..." you say in a daze, "what? (y/n) im scared." kyoka says anxiously, "dont be...what did it look like i did?" you ask gently while katsuki and izuku cover you, "you ran over to voleraty in the corner and scooped her up, you gave her to tenya and then started walking towards me while yelling. shoto was trying to help me but you knocked him aside, then when momo gave you the sword you were about to kill me..." kyoka explains, "shit, where is voleraty and warp?" you ask while looking around, "i dont know, they got away." kyoka says sadly, "tenya! eijiro! come get kyoka out of here, i think i know what happened and im fine now." you order.

 "so...your plan was to turn me against them?" you ask death wraith, "of course...if you thought you were fighting me then you would kill your own family." he answers darkly. you then notice that everyone except you, izuku, and katsuki have cleared out and evacuated. 'just need to buy them time...' you think. "izuku, katsuki, tell me something that death wraith wouldnt know." you demand, "does o-f-a work? how about dad?" izuku asks, "perfect." you say before turning to katsuki, "nothing has been said about me and tooru publicly yet." katsuki says, "good. now lets kill this asshole." you say before turning to him, "DIE!" katsuki shouts as he releases the power of one of his gauntlets, it makes a large hole to the outside and blows death wraith back. "(y/n)! give me 100%." izuku says, "gotcha." you say before putting your hand on his shoulder and overclocking him x25. "heres some for you too katsuki." you say before overclocking him x25 as well. "arent you out completely now?" izuku asks, "for now. but not much longer." you say before overclocking yourself x50. 'a total of x100.' you think to yourself. the three of you then run towards the hole in the wall and jump out it, you see death wraith standing menacingly in front of the three of you. "come to think of did take care of that thug that went after hagakure, didnt you?" death wraith asks, "the hell are you talking about?" katsuki growls, "you really think jiro was our first attempt? as far as i know you still arent allowed to walk to school alone." death wraith prods, "no...YOU DIDNT!" you shout, "what?" izuku asks in confusion, "youre meant to be the smart one! he is the one who sent the guy to rape tooru!" katsuki yells in a rage, "no..." izuku says in disbelief. after about a minute of silence the three of you attack, katsuki making giant explosion to constantly keep death wraiths attention on him, and you along with izuku beating him senseless. "you think im gonna go down that easy?" death wraith asks as he stands up again, "how is he still alive?!" katsuki asks angrily, "it doesnt matter. katsuki blow him up as high as you can." you order, katsuki then runs to death wraith, sweeps his feet out from under him, and sends him sky high. "get ready izuku." you say before jumping with all your might, you are able to catch up with him, but only barely. "DIE!" you shout before shooting a x200 overblast straight into his stomach, sending him down towards izuku at mach speed. luckily he sees him coming and is able to land a full powered kick to death wraiths head. 'we did it...' you think as you begin to fall faster, ' out of energy. even if this fall doesnt kill me, the backlash of my quirk might.' you think as you approach the ground very quickly.

 out of nowhere you suddenly feel weightless, you look around to see that ochako was able to touch you before you hit the ground. "how did you get here?" you ask weakly, "we were all watching a ways away, when you were falling izuku got me here." she explains. "great." you say with a smile. "(y/n)!" you are then tackled in a hug by kyoka, in kaminaris leather jacket. "hey kyoka." you say while returning the hug. "what did you think they did to me that made you want to kill him so bad?" kyoka asks, "you said they groped you, and he said that he was going to sell you...although judging by what he said im starting to think that wasnt far off the truth." you say sadly, "well they werent lying..." kyoka says as tears well up in her eyes, 'that explains the jacket, i must not have noticed but she probably was still in a tattered costume.' you think while kyoka crys into your chest.
eventually all of the other heroes and students regrouped where you were, however there was still an unanswered question. "hey (y/n), you said you thought you knew why you werent thinking straight, why is that?" aizawa asks, "i think it might be voleratys quirk, if she sent me into a different timeline and then getting hit by izuku brought me back to ours." you explain, "thats plausible, but i doubt it." all might says, "for now thats my best guess." you admit, "kyoka, can you come here?" you request, when she walks over you give her a quick kiss and then hug her tightly, "i love you."

*kyoka POV*

when i walk over to (y/n) he kisses me, hugs me, then says he loves me. "i love you too." i reply while returning the hug, however i quickly realize that his body has gone limp. "no...not again. izuku, how far did he go?!" i ask angrily, "i think the amount of energy it used was about equal to x100, however he didnt break himself this time since he used x50 of that on me and kacchan." izuku explains, "shit." aizawa says while kneeling down. "all might, code pink. not ready yet." when aizawa says this all might runs as fast as he can towards U.A. "where is he going?" i ask, "to get recovery girl." aizawa says, "what if he goes back into a coma?" i ask while panicking. "he wont." aizawa says firmly. "what happened here?" mina asks as she walks over, "(y/n) went too far again." i tell her, "no...not again!" she says as she starts to cry as well. within minutes the news of how far (y/n) went made its way through the whole crowd, by the time all might returns with recovery girl everyone is huddled around us. "everyone out of the way!" recovery girl demands, when she gets over to (y/n) she checks his pulse. "get him in an ambulance! he has no pulse!" she demands quickly, "no...(y/n) dont go." i say while sobbing, "jiro come with me, we are going on the ambulance. everyone else return to U.A with the staff." aizawa demands before picking (y/n) up. "im coming too!" mina demands, "yea, me too!" ochako agrees, "all might! drive them to the hospital." aizawa demands while he puts (y/n) down on a stretcher. when the paramedics move him into the ambulance me and aizawa follow. 

on the way to the hospital aizawa speaks up. "are you okay?" he asks me, "no...(y/n) is dead!" i say while sobbing. "for now, yes. but he is not being officially dead for at least a week." aizawa says, "why not? hes not ever coming back..." i say sadly, "i know." aizawa says before staying silent. when we get to the hospital (y/n) is hooked up to life support. "whats the point?" i ask, "just trust me." aizawa requests, "i am here! with eri!" all might announces, i see him run into the room with eri in his arms, "okay, eri do you know what you need to do?" aizawa asks calmly, "y-yea. save (y/n)." eri says while slightly crying. she then walks over to (y/n)s lifeless body and put her hand on it, when she activates her quirk both her hand and horn start to glow yellow. after a few minutes a faint sound can be heard. 



after a few more seconds the heart rate monitor begins beeping at a stead pace. aizawa cancels eris quirk and she pulls her hand away. "d-did i do it?" she asks. "only time will tell, at least now he has a chance." aizawa answers while picking the young girl up. "come on jiro, everyone should be in the waiting room. when i enter the room i see my whole class, mom and dad, and all might. "kyoka!" mom says as she runs over to me, followed closely by dad. "hey guys." i say as i begin crying again, "how is (y/n)?" ochako asks when my parents release me from the hug. "well, he died. and then eri brought him back. now he still isnt waking up." i say, "so it worked?" izuku asks excitedly, "partially, eri rewinded him to right before he passed out, he is hooked up to life support and has a chance of waking up." aizawa announces. "not another coma..." mina says worriedly, "unfortunately not. this time next week he will be taken off life support, with any luck he will wake up before then but it is possible he wont." aizawa says, "what? why!?" i ask angrily, "because thats what he told me to do." aizawa answers. "that kid better wake up. when he does im gonna kick his ass for scaring us, and then thank him for saving my girl." dad says sadly.

AN: so i made an oopsie. the 'thanks shigaraki, you had some good ideas.' was meant to be a reference to when he cut off overhauls hands, however while writing this i remembered, oh right. i killed him off! so instead of fixing the mistake, (because that would make it a lot less cool) im going to say that he was thanking shigaraki for giving him the idea to kill his problems, however he was also not really thinking straight at that moment. :)

also, dont worry voleraty will be both expanded upon and explained later on :)

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