80: Happy Birthday?

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A few days had gone by, and it was finally Nailea Rose's birthday! Now, you may all be wondering: what about the bridal appointment? If you are so eager to know, then I should inform you that it went splendidly well. I found my perfect dress - one that made me emotional. Of course, I wasn't going to tell you about it and spoil the surprise. Nope! You can find out on the wedding day, which we decided we wanted to hold next month, in a beautiful pavillion. We thought a small wedding would be best, with a few people from the press for the photos.

Ethan and I woke up around six in the morning, as well as everyone else (except the kids), to make sure everything was in order and ready for sweet little Nai. I made my way into the kitchen, deciding that she deserved a special breakfast today. Grabbing all of the ingredients, I focused on making some nutella muffins and fresh pineapple juice. She needed extra fuel for an extra fun-filled birthday.

"Hey babe," He purred against my ear. "What are you up to?"

I rolled my eyes, in an attempt to shake off the goofy smile plastered on my face. "No."

"No?" He looked at me, bewildered.

"You're going to ask me something," I explained. "And the answer is no."

He scoffed. "You don't even know what I'm going to ask for!"

"I know what you're going to ask me for," I turned around to face Ethan - who even though had just gotten up from bed - looked deliciously sexy. "It's still no."

He placed his hands on my waist, pulling me in. "And I can't convince you to change your mind?"

I giggled and shook my head and wrapped my arms around his neck. "No! It's our daughter's birthday. She should get our undivided attention, without your dirty thoughts interfering."

"Our daughter," Ethan sighed. "It sounds perfect when you say it."

As soon as I was done with the muffins, I served them on a porcelain plate just as Nailea was arriving. Her little feet pattered into the kitchen, just as Ethan had finished making the pinapple juice.

"Is that the birthday girl coming?" Ethan asked playfully.

My little Rose giggled in response. "Hi daddy!"

He picked her up and gave her the sweetest forehead kiss. I quickly grabbed the camera and took a picture, desperate to capture such a beautiful moment.

"Happy birthday, sweet girl." I smiled.

She looked at me and blushed. "Thank you!"

He sat her down in front of the muffins and Nailea's eyes widened in amazement. She got that from me. There wasn't anybody in the world that could get as excited as I did when seeing food, except from Nailea. Although she was a small kid, she devoured those muffins as if it were nothing.

"You sure were hungry!"

She shook her head. "Not really, I just wanted to eat."

I rolled my eyes. "Alright munchkin, why don't you go and get ready for today?"

"I have a better idea," Ethan interrupted. "Why don't you both see to getting dressed for the party, and I'll handle the kitchen?"

I raised an eyebrow. "You, in the kitchen?"

He looked at me weirdly. "What?"

"Ethan Calaway," I placed my hands on my hips. "How many times have I saved your ass from burning the kitchen?"

"That was one time!"

Elena walked into the kitchen just as we were quarrelling.

"One time?" She mocked. "Bullshit!"

"What's a bullshit?" Nailea queried.

I glared at both Ethan and Elena whilst I answered Nailea's question. "Don't worry about the meaning, it's not a word that should be used."

Guiltily, they both gave me a smile to which I ignored and followed Nailea to get her ready.



I shut the bathroom door on my way out and made my way downstairs to the party. Zafrina had planned a 'Sofia The First' party for Nailea, so I was imposed to wear a costume. Apparently the costume is supposed to make me seem 'Kingly'. I don't understand how men were able to wear these tights. Although I looked like a royal joke, Zafrina looked incredible.

There she was, standing in the sun. She could pass for royalty - she's the definition of beauty, she's effortlessly graceful. That being said, she didn't need a tiara to prove she was a Queen. Any man would know she deserves to be treated as one. Nailea was lucky to have gained so many of her mother's genes. Looking at my precious daughter was like looking at Zafrina twenty years ago - Nailea was the exact copy of her mother.

"Ah, I see Zafrina finally convinced you to wear King Roland's costume." Malachi stated.

"I didn't have much of a choice." I stared at him in bewilderment. "Who are you supposed to be?"

"You don't know who I am?" He returned the same glance. "Because I have absolutely no idea."

"You're supposed to be Cedric, Malachi!" Zafrina chirped as she walked past us. "I'm going to prepare the cake."

Malachi and I exchanged glances once more. Women!

"I know we've never spoken about your brother," I sighed. "But it should have been me."

There was a small silence. "What do you mean?"

"Marcus shouldn't have died that way, he didn't deserve it." I elucidated. "If there's one person who deserves to be standing here right now it's him, not me."

Malachi let out a sigh. "I'll admit that my brother was a better man than you are, and you fucked up big time. But, you need to give yourself some credit, Ethan. After you handled Alex the way you did, I knew you reacted harshly to Zafrina years ago because you loved her. You were hurt just as much as we were, perhaps more."

"So we're okay?"

He nodded. "We're alright. If you think time will change that, you're wrong. Marcus was my brother, but you're my brother too. I've got your back."


"No problem."

Malachi gave me a smug grin, but that soon disappeared when he looked behind me. He went from having a complacent smirk to a worried expression. I turned around, facing Elena who was frantically crying in the kitchen. Zafrina. Lying still, too still.


"Go, Sarah and I will take care of everything here. Go!"

I ran past the crowd, to the kitchen faster than the sound of my own heartbeat. Zafrina was laying down on the cold kitchen tiles, as pale as porcelain. Her eyes were closed and I wasn't sure if she was breathing. She looked...peaceful.

"Call an ambulance." I commanded.

Elena spoke through her tears. "I have, they're on their way-"

"Well then call another one!" I roared. "She's not fucking breathing."

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