51: My Vow To You

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"Zafrina, wait!" Damien called.

I couldn't do it anymore, I ran up to him and gave him a tight hug.

"I know." He whispered. "We need to go to Malachi and Sarah, we have to figure out what's going to happen with you."

"I didn't do it, Damien." I wailed. "I was never unfaithful to Ethan."

He sighed. "I know you wouldn't do anything like this. I'm going to help you, okay? You're not alone, Zafi. I'm here for you, I promised Marcus and now I'm promising you."

The drive was silent, all that could be heard were sniffles that came from me. When we got to Malachi and Sarah's house, they were both on the porch and as soon as I stepped out of the car, they pulled me into a reassuring hug.

"We're going to take care of you, okay?" Sarah murmured. "We know it's not true."

My heart was aching, as I stammered. "W-what am I g-going to do?"

"Zunaira's contacted Caia, in London." Malachi began. "You have to leave, Zafrina. You have a baby on the way and you need a fresh start. We'll come to London with you, and we'll help you raise the baby. Zunaira will stay with Caleb, Sarah and I will buy a house and raise the twins, and we'll stay close to you."

I shook my head. "No, I can't just leave!"

"You have to!" Malachi roared. "I promise you, Damien and I will find out what happened, we'll investigate this, but until we get some answers, Ethan will never believe you!"

Sarah placed a hand on my shoulder. "For once, Zafi. Let us take care of you, okay?"

And that's what we did. Sarah, Zunaira and Malachi packed up their belongings whilst I watched the twins. Damien went to the Calaway residence and packed up a few of his clothes before meeting us at the airport.

"How may I help you?" The ticket woman asked.

"We need seven tickets to London." Damien replied.

"Did you want round-trip tickets?"

"No." I answered. "We'll take the one-way tickets, please."

As we boarded the plane, I couldn't help but look out the window. I was leaving everything behind: my life, my home and my shattered dreams. Soon, I far away from America, about to begin my new life in London. As we sat in silence on the plane, I placed a hand on my stomach. I wanted nothing more then to hold my daughter in my arms.

"It's going to me and you now, Nailea." I whispered.

As I felt a kick in my stomach, I jolted. Damien woke up immediately.

"What happened?"

"She-" I could barely get the words out. "She's kicking-"

I felt her kick again, as my eyes lit up and the tears paused. "My baby is kicking!"

I grabbed Damien's hands and placed it on my stomach as we waited. And then she kicked, again. He gasped softly, before looking at me and smiling.

"She's a little kicker, that's for sure!" He beamed.

I took a deep breath. "That was her first kick. A first Ethan wasn't here for."

"I know." Damien murmured. "I can't promise Nailea a father, but I know he'll have two uncles, two aunts and two older cousins that will love her tremendously."

"What about Elena?"

"She's not the one for me."

"Please tell me you didn't leave for me, Damien?"

"I couldn't leave you, defenseless." He responded. "If she truly loved me, she would've known that."

"I'm sorry..."

"Don't apologise for something that wasn't your fault. This whole situation is a mess."

From that moment on, I vowed to stay away from that family. I wasn't going to change my name, or my identity, I would clear my name. I'd find out the truth, and I'd expose Alex for his lies. But most importantly, I vowed to never let anyone hurt my daughter the way I had been hurt. If I had to keep father away from her, so be it. Nobody was more important then Nailea. I could already imagine the hardship she would face in school, being bullied because her mother was seen as a whore. But, I knew I wouldn't stand down. I was always a fighter, and I was going to fight, even if I had to stand up against the world. This was my vow.

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