50: The Cause Of It All (Part 2)

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Alex and I walked into the Calaway residence, bewildered. In the living room sat Evie, Elena, Ethan and Damien. They all had dissapointed, anxious expressions on their faces.

"What were you doing with Alex, Zafrina?" Elena asked. "Why did you ask me to lie for you if you were with him?"

"He offered me a ride, it was purely a coincidence." I responded. "I don't understand what's happening."

Ethan motioned for me to sit down, as he opened his laptop and pulled up a video screen. I couldn't understand what video it was, maybe a CCTV footage? But soon, I realised what kind of video it was - a sex tape. I watched, horrified as a woman who surprisingly looked a lot like me began taking off her clothes. Soon, her moans filled my eyes as my heart shattered. Alex was in the video too, with a woman that ressembled me too well. She was a literal copy of me. Tears brimmed my eyes as I checked the views, it had been uploaded half and hour ago and had half a million views already. The caption broke me the most.

'Zafrina Dawn: Biggest Hotel Slut Cheats On Young Millionaire.'

I couldn't stop the tears falling. "Ethan, please-"

"Am I the father of your child?" He demanded. "Or have you been fucking my best friend the entire time?"

I shook my head at Ethan. "No, no of course not! Ethan I haven't cheated on you, I don't know what this is."

I ran over to Alex, tugging on his shirt and pleading. "Please, Alex. Tell them the truth! Tell them we haven't done anything like that."

Alex looked at me, with an apologetic look. "I have told them the truth, you shouldn't have drugged me."

I let out a gasp. "What?"

The door swung open as the Dr. Jonas entered.

"I haven't done anything wrong!"

"I'm sorry, Zafrina. I know you're carrying my child, but you drugged me into having sex with you. I want nothing to do with this child, but I'll provide for our baby." Alex continued.

"You fucking bastard!" I screeched, raising my hand to slap him. But before I could, Ethan had already grabbed my hand.

"Don't fucking touch him." He growled. "If you haven't done anything wrong, why did you lie to me about your whereabouts? Why did you get Elena to cover for you, when you were really with Alex?"

I walked up to him, placing my hands on his face as I embraced him. "I went to find out the gender of the baby, Ethan. For our baby, for us."

Ethan removed my hands from his touch, as he avoided eye contact with me. It was as if he loathed me.

"Could you please give us the report, Dr. Jonas?" He asked.

"Well," Dr. Jonas began. "The biological father of the baby, is indeed Alex Joseph Miller. Evidence proves that Zafrina had drugged him that night."

I collapsed onto the ground, wailing loudly. "Oh, please! It's not true!"

"The gender of the child, is indeed, female." The doctor continued.

I stumbled over to Ethan, choking on my tears. "This is our baby, a symbol of our love!" I clutched my stomach. "This is your daughter, Nailea Rose Calaway, please don't abandon us!"

Ethan looked at me with cold, ruthless eyes. "Don't you dare. That child is not mine, she is not my daughter, and she doesn't deserve the name 'Nailea Rose Calaway'. She will never be mine."

I shook my head, unable to compose myself. "No!" I shrieked. "Ethan, I love you! Please, believe me, they're lying!"

Achilles grabbed me by the arm, as Evie brought a suitcase of my belongings to the living room. "Get out, and leave. Go far away from here and don't ever come back, Zafrina. We took you in as our daughter, and you betrayed us all."

"No, Pop pop!" I sobbed. "Please, believe me. You know me, why would I do that?"

Elena grabbed my suitcase as Evie cried silently. She opened the door and threw it outside.

"Get the fuck out!" She bellowed.

I shook my head. "Elena-"

I looked at Ethan, with pleading eyes. I took a good look at him, hurt was all over his face. But he didn't realise that I wasn't the only one betrayed. As Achilles dragged me out the door, I couldn't look away from him. We both made eye contact, eyes filled with loss, sadness and grief as our hearts shattered into fragments of our love. That night, I didn't leave the Calaway residence. I stayed by the door, banging, kicking, screaming and shouting until I could shout no more. I don't know why Alex betrayed me, why he betrayed us. What could I have done to make him hate me like this? I tried to think, but my questions were left unanswered. Today, my daughter had lost her father, and today I had lost the love of my life. My daughter would grow up with no father, and my dreams of having a family were once again shattered. The more you break things, the harder it is to put back the pieces until one day, it is unfixable. Three times, my dream of having a family were shattered. I never had any parents, Marcus and Zion passed away, and now, my daughter had lost her father. I had no more hope, no more will to live except for my daughter. Picking up my suitcase, I walked away from the Calaway residence, refusing to look back as the hot tears escaped from my tired eyes. And before I walked out of the gateway, I took one last look at the place I called 'home', for it would be home no longer.



I couldn't believe it, any of it. Zafrina had always loved Ethan, and I could see that. I couldn't believe she cheated, and I was shocked that they had kicked her out like that too. And we were forced to hear her deafening cries through the large walls of this mansion - the cries of a broken mother.

"We can't just leave her out there, by herself." I told Elena. "She's your best friend, Elena."

"She stopped being my friend as soon as she decided to drug Alex and get herself pregnant. He's been drugged, Damien. And there's evidence." She hissed.

"I'm going to help her." I replied, before I walked away.

Elena grabbed my by the arm, gripping me tightly as she gazed at me, furiously. "If you go with her, we're over. She hurt my brother, Damien."

I shook my head. "What kind of friend are you? Yes, she fucked up but she's vulnerable and pregnant, she needs our help!"

"She doesn't deserve anything! She's used my family for her benefit, can't you see?"

I took a deep breath and sighed. "I thought you were different, I thought you were better."

I watched as her eyes widened, filled with hurt as she let go of my arm.

"And I thought you loved me..." Elena whispered. "I guess we were both wrong."

She took off the ring, and handed it to me. I took it from her hands, touching her one last time. "I do love you, Elena and I always will. But, I can't turn my back on her, not now."

I turned my back from her, unable to hear her heart-breaking cries as I walked out of the door.

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