71: Court Trials (Part 2)

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The crowd went silent after the judge reminded us of the deafening sound of his gavel, which echoed throughout the court hall as the audience granted his plea for attention.

Judge Marlot cleared his throat. "Court is now in recession, let us begin."

"Mr Harvey?" He continued. "You may take the floor."

Sebastian Harvey stood up, with a stupid smirk on his face as he stood tall and proud. His head was held high.

"With permission of the court," Harvey began. "I request to call Alex Miller to the box."

Judge Marlot nodded his head. "Permission granted."

I couldn't help but feel great anger as I saw Alex standing up from his seat. He was dressed in a dark grey suit, his hair pushed back and styled with gel as he flaunted his rolex watch on his right wrist. His shirt looked freshly ironed and his suit was no doubt, new. I would've paid a great amount to see him handcuffed, and dressed in the usual bold orange jumpsuit that criminals wore, but he looked free. I was afraid, that he would be let off since he had made a fortune after Ethan took him in. Alex sat inside the box, unbothered.

"Mr. Miller," Sebastian Harvey smiled. "Did you, or did you not, threaten Ms. Holland if she told anyone about the video you created?"

Alex gave his answer, loud and clear. "I did not."

Elena rose from her seat. "Objection! We've already had Ms. Holland confirm in the voice recording, and on trial that she was threatened by Alex Miller."

The judge looked at Harvey, questioning his actions.

Harvey responded right away. "But your honour, there is no proof that Mr. Miller did threaten Ms. Holland. Yes, in the contract Mr. Miller did threaten to take her to court, not take her life, therefore he cannot be charged with blackmail or fraud. As far as I'm concerned, she could've confided in police after rejecting the offer, yet she took the deal, well knowing the risk."

"Your honour, this isn't fair." Elena retorted. "Sebastian Harvey has forgotten that Ms. Holland needed the money or she would keep running for the rest of her life!"

Marlot sounded his gavel. "Objection overruled, Mr. Harvey is correct and has a point. Please continue."

"Thank you, your honour." Harvey said. "Mr. Miller, did you or did you not, plead or force Ms. Holland into sexual acts with you for your own benefit."

"Yes, I did hire her." Alex admitted. "But everything was strictly professional and consensual. She took up my offer the first time I asked. If she had said no, I would've let her walk away and been done with it."

The crowd murmurs, as Harvey turns back to the judge. "That is all, your honour."

Marlot called. "Ms. Calaway, you may stand and begin your questioning."

Elena sighed and made her way to face Alex. I could tell this was difficult for her, facing her ex who lied and cheated to gain her love. Maybe, I should've hired another lawyer.

"Elena, you look absolutely radiant!" Alex exclaims.

She shook her head in disgust. "You may call me Ms. Calaway, Mr. Miller. Only Ms. Calaway."

Alex chuckled lightly. "Very well, my love."

"Mr Miller," She began. "Did you look for any girl to pose as Zafrina Dawn, or did you look for a certain someone?"

He rolled his eyes. "I looked for any girl that had similar features to Zafrina Dawn, I approached the first girl I saw, and she said yes."

"Which girl?" Elena lifted a brow.

"Tracy Holland." He confirmed.

Judge Marlot grew impatient. "Where are you going with this, Ms. Calaway?"

"You see your honour," Elena explained. "I find it hard to believe Mr. Miller randomly approached any girl with similar features, given that Tracy Holland and Zafrina Dawn are closer then we all realise."

"And your point is?" Alex smirked.

Elena smirked back. "My point, Mr Miller is the fact that you sought Tracy Holland out, after doing your research on Ms. Dawn's past. Knowing she was an orphan, you looked into her past and followed her cousin - who although was untraceable, you were able to trace and knowing about her situation, as well as knowing how both have strikingly similar features - you took advantage and used her for your own selfish benefit."

The crowd gasped, as the colour drained from Alex's face. The gavel banged: once, twice and a third time.

"Did you, or did you not?" Elena queried.

Alex did not respond.

"Mr. Miller," Marlot hissed. "Answer the question, or I will have no choice but sentence you at once."

"Yes..." He murmured. "I did."

Harvey stood up. "Apologies, your honour. But, may I request an adjournment of today's trial?"

Elena beared a wide grin. "Your honour, I have no problem with this whatsoever."

"Very well." Marlot sighed, banging his gavel. "Meeting adjourned, we'll continue tomorrow."

As I left the court room, I heard a woman calling my name. To my surprise, it was Tracy Holland - the untraceable cousin.

"Zafrina!" She called. "I-I'm so sorry! I had no idea, I swear." Tracy was trembling through every sentence, every word and every sound. "If I had known, I wouldn't have-"

She broke down in tears. "I was so afraid...I thought if I didn't do it, I'd end up in a ditch somewhere."

My heart ached for this woman, even if I didn't know her, even if she had wronged me and caused me six, nearly seven years of pain - she didn't deserve this.

I rubbed her back, comforting her. "It's alright, I understand why you did it."

"If only I could take it all back..."She gasped, choking on her tears.

I gave her a tight hug, and replied in a soothing voice. "But you can't. What's done is done, and I have nothing against you." I pulled away from her, and looked her in the eyes. "I have not called you here for an apology, for pity, to fight you or punish you. You are not the villain in this story."

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