74: A Celebration

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Elena and I walked out the courtroom, estatic. We held each other's hand and jumped up and down, squealing with this overwhelming excitement and relief. I felt like I was in high school again. Things were much easier at that back then.

"Oh my god," I laughed. "Lena, you were amazing, thank you so much!"

She gave me a tight hug. "It's the least I could do, I was wrong."

I rubbed her back, comforting her. "I know how hard that was for you, and I want you to know that I really appreciate it."

Ahead of me - behind Elena - I could see Damien on his way. I smirked to myself, knowing that it was time Elena and Damien got back together.

"Pssst," I whispered. "Hot ass ex-fiancé at twelve o'clock."

Her eyes widened, as I sniggered quietly and winked. "Go get it." I made my way to the far corner of the waiting room, watching the two of them. It was clear that Elena hadn't lost feelings and realised along the years that she shouldn't have let Damien go.

Suddenly, I felt a huge weight being lifted off my shoulders. It was easier to breathe, too. For some reason, tears pooled in my eyes and I tried the hardest to stop them from falling. But, I wasn't disappointed, or ashamed that I had failed to keep them in this time. This time, they were different kind of tears - tears of joy. I just couldn't believe it, I had come so far. It was...mirthful to see the distance I had travelled and the progress I had made. At that moment, I had nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears and sweat.

"Are you alright?" Ethan asked, worryingly.

"I'm fine." I kept my eyes on Damien and Elena. "I'm just...I can't believe it's over!"
I chuckled. Ethan's fingers trailed down my arm, finding their way until his hands were locked into mine - the perfect puzzle. My gaze switched from his hands in mine, to his eyes. They kind and soft, my home.

"Nobody will ever hurt you again." He whispered. "I promise."

"Please," I shook my head. "Don't make promises you cannot keep."

He gave me a puzzled expression. "I don't understand, have I done something wrong?"

"You don't realise that I envy you, you have opportunities I never will receive." I explained. "Doors are opening for you, but they are quickly closing for me."

I bit my lip. "I'm sorry, forget I said that."

Ethan only encouraged me. "Talk to me, I want you to talk to me. You don't have to keep anything bottled up anymore, Zafrina. I'm here for you."

"You don't always have to be so brave, Zafrina." He sighed.

"Oh but I do!" I replied, shakily. "Because I'll never be able to see her walking down the aisle, I'll never be able to hold my grandchildren.

"I will never be able to see her grow up." I looked back at him as our gazes met, once again maintaining eye contact. "But you, you will. You'll be there for every cry, every smile, every laugh."

"So yes. I have to be brave, because one day she'll need me." Tears brimmed in my eyes. "And when she turns around, I won't be here for her."

Elena rushed up to us. "Hey, everyone's heading back to the Calaway residence."

Ethan and I continued to stare at one another, our eyes on lock.

"Is everything alright?" Lena queried.

"Yeah," I murmured. "Everything's just fine."

And then I walked away.

Once everyone arrived at the Calaway residence, I called everyone to the living room. I knew the 'cancer' conversation was long overdue. Sarah and I sent the kids off the play in the garden with one of the maids, before I stood in front of everyone I had ever considered family.

"As you all know, I have liver cancer." I began.

"How long?" Achilles asked.

Ethan knew if I answered that question, I'd end up in tears. "She has a few months left, possibly until September."

The silence was deafening. I could see the sympathy on their faces, the pity too. It was as transparent as glass.

I cleared my throat, regaining the attention. "I recently told Nailea, but nobody here will bring up the topic until it's time."

Evie interrupted. "How will we know it's time?"

"I-I don't know," I stammered. "But until then, we'll continue as normal. I only have a matter of a few months to fulfil Nailea's desires."

I looked up at Ethan, signalling him to tell them. He gave me a slight nod, before his announcement.

"Two of Nailea's wishes will be easy to fulfil." He began. "Her first wish: a birthday party for her sixth birthday. Her second wish: a new room with lots of purple. And the third..."

Ethan looked into my eyes as he announced the third wish. "To see her parents married."

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