16: Her Lips Were Like Rosebuds (Part 1)

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I yawned, stretching my arms above my head and straining them

"You good?" Marcus asked, checking in and giving me a walk smile.


"How about, we call it a night and go to a restaurant," He suggested. "I could drop you home after."

I smiled, exhaustion overwhelming me. "I'd like that, a lot."

I packed up the folders and put them away in a draw, before logging out of my laptop. Gathering my things, I could see Marcus holding the door for me, as I walked out with him.

"So, what did you want to eat?" He queried, as we routed along the corridors.

"I'm actually craving some hot wings tonight," I responded tiredly. "KFC?"

"KFC it is,"

Marcus intertwined his hands with mine, casually as we strolled to the car. We were always so close together, so holding his hands and touching him was a new 'normal' for me. He opened the door for me, as I thanked him and entered.

Such a gentlemen!

Within no time, we arrived at KFC and ate swiftly. We both ordered burgers, and then we went back and re-ordered for some krushems and hot wings - do I really have to explain how delicious it was? I'm sure you can imagine it.

After filling my stomach until I could no more, I asked Marcus to take me home. I put my seat back as darkness filled the night. I rolled the window down, looking out and observing nature. It was amusing to gaze at the starry night. The velvet night was like a veil of darkness, yet it was lit up with stars: the floating lanterns of the night. It represented hope. In a way, it can be said that the night sky represents Earth. You see, Earth is dark, and evil. Every day, people die and every day, people suffer. But, it can be so beautiful. It depends on how you percieve it. Some of you may agree with me, some of you may be reading this and thinking that I'm an idiot who has no idea what she's saying and rambling.

Exhaustion had consumed me, as I found myself drifting off to slumber. Darkness was all I could see, and although some were afraid of darkness, I wasn't. No, right now, darkness was my heaven, for I knew I was safe, and at peace.



"Hey, did you eat well?" I asked. I waited for a response, but was greeted with silence. "Zafrina?"

As I turned to look at her, I realise she was fast asleep. I looked back in front of me as the low rumble of the engine reminded me that I was driving. I quickly checked the time: 10pm. She must be fatigued. I couldn't blame her, Zafrina was one of the most hard-working women I had ever encountered in my life. She would never work, just for the sake of working, or money, she did it because she took a liking to it. She worked with passion. She definitely had a bright future.

Not wanting to wake her, I decided I'd take her home with me for the night. I didn't want to take advantage of her, no way. I'd let her sleep in my room and I'd sleep in the guest room.

After the parking the car, I got her out and carried her bridal style, closing the car door. As I made my way into my house, I observed her peaceful, beautiful face. She was so at peace. Her skin was such an alluring colour: in between hazel and caramel. I was disappointed that her eyes were shut. She had the most beautiful green eyes. No, not green - almost a jaded green colour. Although, sometimes it was a seafoam green. It varied throughout the day, possibly because of the natural lighting. Her eyes were closed, relaxed. She had long, soft lashes that curled upwards naturally. She had the cutest button nose - it was straight at the top, then curves downwards, truly adorable.

But those lips, those full, pump, sweet lips. They were a pale pink that reminded me of rosebuds. Her lips weren't too big, but it also wasn't too small: it was just right. She had this habit: when she finished eating or drinking, she'd apply lipstick or a clear lip balm in order to keep them soft. She had such seductive lips, I wanted to feel them. I wanted the touch of her lips to linger on mine, to taste her again. I can almost imagine it.

I took her upstairs and took off her stilettos. As I lay her down, her eyes fluttered open.

"Marcus?" She whispered. "What are you doing?"

A/N: That's it for today guys, I had to cut this one short because it was getting too long :( what do you think will happen next? Comment below! New chapters every day! I released two today because I didn't release one yesterday. Right, I should sleep, night night my lovelies xx

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