58: Papa

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My heart sunk when we arrived at the Calaway residence. It was a flashback, a burst of memories from the life I once had, not the one I have. I could hear the faint giggles of three, joyful little children playing in the Calaway gardens. The car came to a holt, and then Ethan opened the door. He attempted to take Nailea away from me, but I wasn't ready to let her go. I held onto her as I carefully stepped out of the car. Ethan led me through the back door and into one of the guest rooms. I carried Nailea into the room, when I felt small movements. She was awake.

"Mummy...?" She murmured tiredly. "Where are we?"

"We're at a friends house." I smiled. "Do you want to meet your dad?"

She gave a faint gasp. "Mummy, is he here?"

I nodded. "Yes, munchkin."

Nailea had an anxious look. "Do I look alright, mummy?"

"You look like a princess, my love." I giggled. "Why don't you wait here, and I'll call him inside, okay?"

"Okay mummy." She responded.

I walked over to the door, approaching Ethan. "She wants to meet you."

His eyes widened slightly. "She's awake?"

He peered through the doorway, watching Nailea closely. He took a deep breath and went inside, approaching her. He bent down to her level, as Nailea fidgeted with her fingers behind her back. Her raven hair was slightly messy, since she slept for a while. Strands of charcoal hair tumbled down her face, covering her eau de nil eyes. Ethan's eyes were soft, and gentle, just like hers.

"Hello." He greeted in a friendly tone. "I don't think we've met. Do you know who I am?"

She gulped. "You're my dad, Mr. Sir."

He chuckled at her shyness. "You can call me dad, if you'd like. I don't think 'Mr. Sir' is a nice nickname for me, although you make it sound adorably cute, so if that's what you want to call me, then I'll accept it."

Nailea giggled. "I don't like 'Mr. Sir' too. Can I call you papa?"

I could see Ethan's eyes gleaming with tears. He wiped them away swiftly before they had the chance of forming completely. Seeing the two of them, getting along was wonderful. Nailea was going to have the perfect dad.

"I'd like that a lot." He chuckled. "And I'm sure your mother has told you what a pretty face you have."

He tucked Nailea's hair behind her ears, so he could get a good look at her face. "After all, it's clear you were blessed with your mother's beauty." His eyes locked with mine for a moment. "So make sure your hair doesn't cover your pretty face, alright?"

"Yes papa." Nailea smiled. "Mummy, will you help me into my pyjamas?"

"Baby, mummy's a little tired." I began. "Maybe papa can help you choose a set of pyjamas for you to wear, is that alright?"

Nailea nodded. "Alright, but will you come and tuck me in?"

I walked over and kissed her forehead. "Of course, my love."

As Nailea and Ethan picked out a nightgown together, I was able to get a good look of Ethan. God, he had changed the last six years. Of course, I saw it in the pictures, but he was breathtaking in reality. My heart didn't just skip a beat. He had definitely continued taking care of his body since I had left. He seemed bigger, fitter and his muscles had only grown. He was a stud. His hair had grown quite a bit, so he kept it in a manbun. It really did suit him, along with the gorgeous stubble growing on his face. He was always a man, but now he really looked like one. I longed to be touched by him, to touch him and more. Six years - I had gone six years without any relationships, any dating and I refrained myself from sex, no matter how high the temptation. It was a little like a man free diet. Of course, it was difficult at first, but difficulty eased as nobody seemed to catch my eyes. But, Ethan Calaway was definitely not helping the situation - my thirst was no longer quenched.

Nailea came running into my arms, as I extended them and caught her as we fell backwards onto the floor.

"Mummy, look!" Her gorgeous eyes lit up like shooting stars in the night sky. "Papa chose the pink one. He says that pink looked pretty on you, and that it would look pretty on me too."

I could feel the heat rushing to my cheeks. Snap out of it! He has a girlfriend, who just so happens to be a world famous model.

I pinched her little button nose. "But you will always be far more beautiful than me, don't ever forget that, Nailea Rose."

"Yes, mama." She blushed, smiling widely. "Will you and papa tuck me in now?"

Ethan and I exchanged glances, before he replied. "Come on, it's already very late."

Nailea climbed into the king size double bed, slipping under the covers as I tucked her in, making sure she was as comfortable as an angel on a soft cloud.

"Are you nice and cosy, my love?" I asked softly.

Nailea yawned, her little eyes fluttering shut. "Yes, mama."

I kissed her forehead and caressed her silky, thick hair. "Sweet dreams, little rose."

She smiled, as I moved aside. Ethan bid her goodnight, giving her a tight hug. We both sat on the bed, Nailea in the middle until she was fast asleep.

"She's better than I would've imagined her to be." He whispered.

I cracked a small smile, as I continued to stare down at my daughter. "She is, isn't she?"

"She's lucky to have you as a mother." He murmured. My smile faded as our eyes locked once more. My heart raced, as I wondered if his was beating as hard as mine.

I bit my lip. "Ethan, I never wanted any of this to happen-"

He interrupted me. "Enough. I don't want to talk about it, and plus, I've moved on." He continued. "The only thing you and I will have in common, is our daughter."

I felt a sudden rage in my chest. "She's not 'our daughter' yet, she's my daughter. You have no idea what I've been through to raise this child. Amongst our issues, you forgot about the one thing that should've meant more to you than anything else, my daughter."

"I am her dad." He spoke in a low tone, getting up from the bed.

"Dad?" I scoffed. "Where were you, 'dad' when I had fallen over at six and a half months, and went into an emergency c-section? She was at a high risk of dying. Where were you, 'dad' when she spent days and nights in an incubator? That's all she had to survive since she was born premature. Where were you, 'dad' when I had to stay up, with my daughter because she was suffering from colic? You weren't there for her like I was, so don't you dare claim you are her father in an argument against me."

I didn't stop there. "You have no idea what I have been through, I have been through hell and back for her, for Nailea. And all of my struggle, it was because of you. You didn't even give me the chance to explain."

"Then explain." Ethan grumbled.

"Now is not the time." I hissed. "And once I do, once I can prove to you that I am completely innocent in all of this, you will be sorry. But I will not take your meaningless apologies, you are six years too late. Before you know it, I'll slip through your fingers once more, only this time, I won't come back to you."

Ethan's face was red with fury.

"Get out." I ordered, before he could say another word.

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