63: A Second Chance At Happiness

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We had been driving for about twenty minutes. Damien was in the drivers' seat, and I sat in the back with Nailea as she slept. I knew seeing Elena really hurt him, and I felt really guilty. They went from being engaged and madly in love to nothing in just a matter of moments. Six years. Damien had spent six years away from Elena, just like I had stayed away from Ethan for six years.

"Are you okay?" I asked

"Do you think I'm okay?" He interrogated.

I bit my lip, murmuring. "No..."

"Then why would you ask such a stupid question?" He snapped.

I didn't engage in conversation with him for the rest of the drive. I know he was that his already broken heart had been crushed to smithereens. About half an hour later, we arrived at Sarah and Malachi's house. Zunaira and Caleb had returned to London, so Nailea and I would be staying in the guest bedroom. We were greeted and welcomed by the twins.

"Nailea!" Sabrina exclaimed. "I missed you!"

Nailea giggled. "I missed you too."

Santos came into the room, and saw Sabrina in a dress. Usually she wears her shorts and a tank tops, but there were times she wanted to dress up in pretty dresses.

"Ew, you look like a girl." He gagged, disgusted.

Sabrina rolled her eyes, placing her hand on her hips. "That's what I am, half-wit."

"You even run like one too." Santos snickered.

Sabrina grabbed a baseball bat. "At least I don't hit like a girl!"

Santos yelled, running away as Sabrina chased him. And then Nailea began chasing them.

"Did anyone else see that?" I queried. "She's going to kill him."

Sarah scoffed. "He'll live."

"Yeah," Malachi sipped his coffee. "Just another day in the Bianchi household."

Damien and I looked at each other, confused, before looking at Sarah and Malachi.

"So," Malachi spoke. "What happened?"

I gave him a weak smile. "His new girlfriend. She wasn't watching Nailea and Nailea fell into the pool and drowned. And then I had a go at Ethan, and forbade Gianna from seeing or contacting Nailea again."

"Did you tell him?" Sarah questioned.

"If you're talking about the truth, no. I haven't." I answered.

She shook her head. "We both know that's not what I was talking about."

I folded my arms, as I took a deep breath. "I need more time."

"You don't have time." Damien commented. "He has to know the truth. Both truths."

"It won't make a difference, none of it will." Tears brimmed in my eyes. "He's been with her for six years, and you've seen her pictures, but you haven't seen her."

I chuckled. "She's stunning. And I am nothing compared to her, I cannot compete with her."

"It's your last chance to get him back, Zafrina. He fucked up, yes, but how can he make amends if he doesn't know why he's fucked up." Malachi spoke. "You were betrayed, but you're not putting yourself in his shoes. He gave Alex a second chance, after Alex shot him. He brought him here, with no money, no status and made him rich. Alex is supposed to be his best friend."

"He's right," Damien added. "If you were hurt, and you weren't even linked to Alex at all, think about how heartbroken he'd feel when he realises his best friend wasn't his best friend this whole time. And on top of that, he'd feel guilt."

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