2: Graduation Day

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It had finally happened. The moment of truth, the stepping stone to the real world. This is what they've been preparing us for. After thirteen memorable years. Through the good, bad, idiotic, fun and change. It was finally time. Time to step out into that bright light, shake the hand of an administrator and grab the ticket to freedom. The piece of paper that would remind me forever that I've accomplished something. Most of all it's that time to look out among all the fellow classmates, stick up two middle fingers and say "fuck you all." In August, College will start but I knew I wouldn't be attending. For now I was as free as a bird. All I had to do was sit in this uncomfortable robe and wait for my name to be called. California, here I come!

In December, when everyone is in College, I'll be working. I've known Ethan and Elena ever since I was five years old. They came from a rich background since Mr. Calaway, Eth and Lena's father owns the famous 'Calaway', a well-known hotel around the world. Since I was thirteen, Achilles Calaway, or as I prefer to call him: 'Pop pop' noticed my interest in the hotel and began teaching me about hotel management. My dream has been to take over the hotel when he believes I'm ready since Ethan and Elena want to do something else.

It may seem like I'm taking advantage of my best friends' riches, but I prefer to see this as an opportunity. I am an orphan, with no truth of who I really am and where I came from so I believe that this opportunity is a way to give back? I probably don't make any sense right now... nevermind.


Elena squealed. "I can't believe we just graduated, all of us!"

I smiled back. "I know! I'm so excited!"

Ethan chuckled and hugged us both. "Hey Lena, you figure out what you're gonna do in September?"

"You know, I think I want to practice law, you guys!" She beams happily.

"Did you watch 'Legally Blonde' again?" I frown.

She glares at me and throws her cap. "Shut the fuck uppppp!"

Me and Ethan look at each other before laughing.

"What are you going to do, Eth?" I ask.

He looked at me and we locked eyes for a few seconds before he looked down, zoning out and then re-zoning in.

"I uh-" He stammered. "I've actually been thinking about the military..."

"The military?" Elena says. "Are you sure?"

"Well, I've already applied... and mum and dad know. They're good with it."

"I think that's amazing, Eth" I say, giving him an honest smile. "When do you leave?"

He sighs. "I have just over a week left before I have to go"

"Just a week? Jesus, Ethan when were you going to tell us?" I queried.

Elena backed me up. "Yeah, these are things we have to know... we won't see you for months, possibly even a few years,"

I sigh and calm myself down. "Nevermind, that doesn't matter anymore. If you have a week... let's make it a good one."

Ethan smiled at me.

"And the first thing we can do to make this a great week is crash the leavers party," Elena said, smirking.

"Oh hell yeah," I reply, grinning mischeviously.

"Hey um..." one of the graduates called out. Was he talking to me?

"Zafrina, right?" Sawyer asked.

"Yeah" I responded.

"Are you going to the leavers party?" He asked me.

I nodded in response.

"Hope to see you there" He smirks, winking at me before walking away.

Elena looks at me, laughing.

"Somebody's getting laid," she says in a sing-song voice.

I rolled my eyes, giggling and told her to shut up.

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