Turbo-Caster Requiem

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In the year 203X, K.O and Dendy's oldest son, Kenko, has been trying to act as a hero like his father, only to fail several times as he refuses to train in his father's store and Enid's Dojo. One day when he was facing a gang of villains, Kenko merged with an energy known as Turbonic energy, which houses the soul of T.K.O after he merged with K.O, and has called himself Turbo-Caster. After forming a bond with his father's former alter-ego, Kenko must fight against villain Turbos and other kinds of villains from the past and in the future. (Warning: This story contains blood, mid cursing, brefy sexuallity with nightclubs, shower scenes, and females being seen without clothing but not too explicit, read at your own risk)

Genre: Action, Cyberpunk, Science Fantasy, Superhero, Black Comedy, Teen-Drama, Mystery, Thriller, Alternate Universe (Takes place after the show's finale), Crossover (Elements of Spiderman 2099, and Batman Beyond and Venom)



(Kincaid Family)

Kenko Kincaid/Turbo-Caster Requiem: Main Protagonist and K.O and Dendy's oldest son

T.K.O: Deuteragonist, K.O's former alter ego and Kenko's partner and Turbo form

Milian Kincaid: K.O and Dendy's middle and only daughter and Kenko's sister

Kelly Kincaid: K.O and Dendy's youngest son and Kenko's younger brother

K.O: Level 100 hero, owner of Lakewood Plaza Turbo and Kenko's father

Dendy: CEO of the POW Card Factory, K.O's wife and his children's mother


Emily Harrison: Kenko's love interest



Red Action



Emmie: K.O's female employee

Josh: K.O's male employee

Rebecca Blues

Jason: Jock of Lakewood High School

Alex: Jock of Lakewood High School


Mr. Gar


Lord Boxman

Professor Venomous





Shadowy Figure: In the past only

Robbie and Mary

Future Ok K.O! let's be heroes fan storiesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang