Getter Robo Go

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(Part one of my first Ok K.O! Let's be heroes x Getter Robo saga)

9 years have passed since K.O found out a terrible secret about P.O.I.N.T and it's school and Boxman regained control of his company. Now at the age of 15, K.O is summoned to a hero organization called Hope Diamond and is assigned to be part of the organization's team called the Getter team for the organization's robot for the team, the Getter Robo, who was designed by his childhood friend, Dendy. Now K.O and his teammates, Aika Fujimori and Daiki Shiba must work together with the Getter Robo to fight the robots from Voxmore and an evil scientist called Professor Lando race of machines creatures called Metal beasts, who plans on world domination.

Genre: Mecha, Fantasy, Sci-fi, cyberpunk, teen-drama, action, adventure, crossover (Getter Robo Go anime because of the mechs, the machine beasts, and the plot, and the manga for towards the last few arcs.)

K.O: primary protagonist
Aika Fujimori: protagonist
Daiki Shiba: protagonist
Doctor Greyman
Professor Antidote
Alexander Burton
Drake Robinson
Mr. Gar
Alexis: K.O's younger half sister
Professor Lando: main antagonist
Metal beasts: antagonists
Lord Boxman: secondly antagonist 1
Professor Venomous: secondly antagonist 2
(Boxman getter team)
Darrell: leader
(Venomous getter team)
Fink: leader

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