And now, she got hurt because of me once again.

I pushed up from the ground and made my way back to the waiting room. If I stay in here by myself with my thoughts, I'm just gonna dig myself into a hole. Her surgery could be over too. That thought made me walk faster.

I burst into the room, but everything looked the same, except this time, my family was sitting across from Andrew.

Everyone looked my way, and my mother was the first person to rush over to me.

"Shawn!" She cried, pulling me into a hug. She squeezed me for a good minute before pulling away.

"You're not hurt anywhere are you?" She prodded my body making sure I wasn't hurt anywhere.

"Mom I'm fine. I'm not the one we should be worried about." I told her, but it was strained as I thought about Cassie.

She sighed relieved. "I know Shawn, but I'm your mother, I have the right to be worried."

"I know." I gave her a small half smile.

My mom was pushed out of the way suddenly and Aaliyah wrapped her arms around me.

"Oh thank god!" She exclaimed. "They told us you were in an accident! I was so scared!"

I lightly laughed. "I'm fine you little brat." I pushed her off of me and ruffled her hair.

My dad stood back with Andrew. He looked worried too, but he just smiled at me, relieved that I was okay.

I haven't seen my family in a while, even though I lived pretty close. I was busy most of the time, so I didn't get to see them often. Although I wish it were under different circumstances, I'm happy they're here.

Just then, the door to the OR opened and the surgeon walked out. "Are any of you guys Cassie's guardian?" He asked us.

"I am." Andrew stepped forward. I did too. "Her parents aren't here, so I'm her guardian while she's in Canada." He explained.

"And I'm her boyfriend." I chimed in. My mother grabbed my hand and held onto it, waiting for the doctor to speak.

He looked from Andrew to me, then back to Andrew.

"The surgery went well, you guys can relax." I breathed out a huge sigh of relief, along with everyone else in the room. Thank god.

"The knife just missed her left kidney." He continued, "Things would be a bit different if the knife was struck half and inch to the right. She's very lucky."

"Thank you so much." Andrew said to the doctor, vigorously shaking his hand with both of his own. "We really appreciate all your hard work."

"Yes, thank you so much." I thanked the doctor as well.

"No problem. We just have to see how her recovery goes." The doctor replied.

"Where is she now?" I blurted out.

The doctor smiled at my outburst and answered. "She'll have to stay in the ICU over night, but we'll move her to the VIP room in the morning if everything looks good."

"Thank you." I nodded at him, then he left the room.

Once he was gone, I turned to my family. "I'm gonna stay." I told them.

"Shawn, I think you should come home with us for tonight, you look exhausted." My mom replied.

"Mom, I have to stay." I looked into her eyes, showing her that there was no way that I would be leaving.

"Shawn you can come back in the morning." She also sounded resolute. We stared at each other, willing the other one to give in.

That's when Andrew spoke up. "I'll stay tonight too, Mrs. Mendes. I'm Cassie's guardian after all. We'll stay in the VIP suite here." Andrew reassured my mother, who sighed in defeat.

Love Me Not (Shawn Mendes)Where stories live. Discover now