"You have to say something my darling or else.... you know the consequences.." he threatened rather calmly.

"I... um.... hi...." I said reluctantly while sitting up on my bed. I mentally myself for at least saying something.

"Is that all? Well at least I got to hear your beautiful voice. You know what? I know you're confused and scared so I'll give you the right to ask me anything, anything at all" he said eagerly.

That means I can ask who he is? Why he's doing this? And-
I heard him mutter something before continuing.
"Oh but you can't ask who I am. You'll allowed three questions" he stated matter-of-factly.

I mentally whined in my mind for his 'condition'.

"Fine" I replied bluntly. What should I ask?

"Uh.... did you kill Derek and Ryan?" I asked hesitantly. Though I tried asking in a braver tone but the words came out in a squeaky way.

He replied instantly as if he anticipated that I'd ask him that question.
"Yes.... I did it one hundred percent" he replied blissfully. How can this dude be happy about killing someone? Because he's psychotic!!

My mouth became dry, probably drier than the Sahara desert. I swallowed my rising fear and asked the next question.

"Wh-Why did you kill them?" I slapped myself for exposing my fear through my words. He gave a light chuckle before replying.

"You sound sexy when you're scared. Why are you scared anyway? Wait a minute! You're the one doing the questioning, silly me" he said gaily. There was silence for a moment

"Why I killed them? It's simple, because they hurt you!" he spat through gritted teeth. I jumped a little at his sudden rage. I could hear him trying to calm himself down from his rising anger.

Blake's words echoed through my head of what the note said-
They hurt her... I hurt them....

I body shook in fright as I thought of what to ask him next.
"Last question! Come on throw it at me" he sang through the phone.

"Why me? I mean why.......... did you kill them for me? Do you have me on your kill list too? If yes then kill me already!" I tried my best not to break down and cry.

My fear and anger erupted as I asked him. Stray tears fell down my cheeks as I covered my mouth with my hand to prevent my sniveling from escaping.
For a minute I thought he ended the call. I even checked my phone to see whether the call ended or not. The call hadn't ended.

He was just silent.
He cleared his throat before answering.
"I would never ever kill or hurt you...
It hurts me when you're with Logan. It hurts me to know that you don't remember me. I would kill and do way more to anyone who may hurt you in anyway or comes in between us... I love you Yolanda. I love way too much that I can't sleep without seeing you " he sounded hurt when he spoke. I, on the otherhand, felt dizzy from hearing his words. He loves me? He knows me? But I don't know him?

My head started to ache from all of the confusion and thinking. This is crazy! A killer has feelings for me? Why? Who is this damn person? I was about to end the call when he spoke again-
"Good night my love. Oh and wear something warmer please you might catch a cold" he said almost darkly before ending the call.

I sat there in shock and utter terror. He's watching me..


Hello strangers 😉

Long time huh? I apologize.... again for the hundredth time for the late update ☹. I've been busy... with stuff 😔.

Don't think I'm creepy because of the song above.... I literally had to search for songs with creepy lyrics 😂😂😂.. to match the chapter(I guess it matches 😅). I recommend for you to not and never listen to it because I didn't too 😅.


How was this chapter? So this "Unknown" is really the killer/ secret admirer. So any guesses.. anyone?

Comment section please 😁😁.
Don't forget to vote and follow 🤗.

I'll update soon but for now take care and keep laughing lovelies.

I finally reached 100 followers!!! Yipee!! Thank you all for your support.

Thank you for reading my crappy writing too😁😁...

Goodbyeeeee strangers 😉😊

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