Chapter 54

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My eyes fluttered open to the brightness of the window just across from me. Everything was blurry so I blinked a few times until my vision began to clear up.

This room...

"You finally woke up." A sweet voice spoke to my left. "I knew you were always into that whole sleeping beauty story but I didn't think you took it so seriously." All I could do was think about how much I wanted to jump into his arms and just stay like that. But all I did was feel sore. Getting up was a bit of a task to complete. But considering this was Lucas, I didn't care about the soreness of my body. Once I was holding him with my arms around his neck I pushed him down the bed with me so I could lay back down on the bed and still hug him in the process.

He merely laughed at me and climbed into his bed, lying right beside me.

We both stared at each other for a few seconds before I attacked him in a kiss, which he quickly responded to. One hand on my face and the other on the bed, keeping him up on his side.

Once I pulled away I remember about everything again, especially Greyson. But not how I got here. "How long was I out? And what happened to me? To Greyson? And to Christy and the pack?" I hope everyone was ok. Please let them be ok.

"Slow your horse there Lizzy." He chuckled. "Greyson is dead. Christy was checked out of the hospital about a month ago. And the pack is fine. You've been asleep for a while." I nodded. Then my eyes grew. Christy was in the hospital for a month? How much was a while to Lucas?!

I gave him a look like you better answer me.

He sighed. "Christy told me that you were running and one of the vampires attacked you two. Apparently she came off of you from the impact and you gave her a gesture to run and hide. She said she saw you attack the filthy bastard and killed him but you got a lot of stretches and wounds in the process. You lost consciousness. By the time I found you, you were both naked and knocked out cold. Kyle found the body of the vampire a few meters away from Christy. He tried to fight against death but he failed and collapsed before he could reach her."

"I took you both to the pack doctor and after he told me your wounds were healed and you'd be waking up in a long while, I decided to take you home and bring you to my room. Christina is with Kyle."

"Has she shifted at all?" I asked. "And why won't you just tell me how long I was out? What did my parents do?"

"She can't shift until the next full moon. She couldn't shift before because she had a lack of exposure to moonlight and wolfs blood in her system. You on the other hand are a blonde wolf, which by the way is a very powerful wolf. Next to a white wolf that is." He winked. "You needed to regain energy from both the lack of food, moonlight and after the attack. If you must know you were out for about two months now."

"Oh my god!" That was so long. That means it's probably September if not almost September! After a while I calmed myself and took in all the information, even though it was beyond overwhelming. With all of this overwhelming info I decided to just change the subject a bit.

"Where did you sleep?"

"The couch." He moved his head to the direction of the couch right across from me. "Why not with me?" I wondered allowed.

"I didn't want to hurt you in anyways. You were sensitive to everything and I didn't want to be the cause of harming you any further. Especially in my sleep. Oh, and as for your parents. They are fine. Abby and Lilith have been shifting into you every now and then to make them think that you are ok and whenever they call they just mimic your voice and just go along with it, pretending to be you."

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