Chapter 32

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Chapter 32


"I'm-s-sorry." He said. "P-please don't h-hurt m-me." He begged.

"I can't make any promises." I said. I grabbed his head...

"Rosie No!" And I snapped his neck. Oddly enough I actually enjoyed the sound of it snapping.

I turned to see Isabel looking at me wide eyed. Along with the other two girls.

"H-how could you?" Isabel chocked. Her other two friends clung themselves to her sides in a protective way. But I knew they were as scared as Isabel was.

"I had to." I simply said.

"No. Y-you killed someone. A person!" She yelled.

"Isabel he was not human. He was a rogue." I told her.


"Rogue?" Red head asked.

"Who are you?" Ombré asked.

"I'm Rosie." As I continued I looked at my sister. "I'm Isabel's sister."


"You said your sister passed away." Ombré asked.

"No. She was kidnapped. After years passed we thought she was dead." Isabel told them. That hurt me how she just thought I was dead.

"Well I'm not dead. Not fully." I corrected. I am a vampire. Half dead. I mean my heart doesn't beat so...

"Are you a vampire?" Isabel asked.

I didn't answer.

"Vampire? Isabel don't tell me you actually believe in that kind of stuff." Ombré exclaimed.

"Christy there's some things I haven't told you, or Abby."

Oh ombré's name is Christy and the red head is Abby.

"What do you mean?" Christy asked.

I decided to cut this conversation short. I had to tell Lucas about the rogue incident. Yes they were all rogues. In case you don't know, a rogue is a lone werewolf. Someone who was kicked out of their pack or a dangerous wild werewolf. And that's what they all were. Except this time they were grouped together. Which is very bad to have a group of dangerous wild rogues roaming around your area. Their nothing but trouble makers. And disgusting wild animals.

"Listen we can talk about this later. But right now we have to go before the other seven wake up. I can promise you that he," I pointed to the guy with the broken neck. "Won't be waking up. We have to go now before anyone sees them or they wake up." I stated. "Grab your stuff and hurry it up. I'll tell you everything when we get to the house."

"Who's house." Christy asked.

"Lucas's. He'll know what to do about this." I said.

"What?! They don't know yet about Lucas. I don't want him getting mad at me." Isabel said as she tried to catch up to me since I was speed walking.

"He'll be ok with it. You have a witch anyways and Kyle's mate. Their bound to find out some day." I stated.

"What?" Isabel stopped in place.

"Isabel hurry it up. We have to go. Now!" I stated.

"How do you know about them?" She asked.

"Is she talking about my Kyle?" Christy asked.

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