Chapter 53

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My hands were beginning to feel sore from repeatedly punching Greyson. That is when he's not dodging my hits and I end up punching some random object if not air.

Greyson rubbed his neck and rolled it around a few times. "You really do know how to throw a punch or two. Definitely better than the last time you've punched me." He laughed. "And that had to be years ago." I scowled at him.

"I could care less about what you have to say Greyson." I groaned. He didn't seem offended by my words, instead he grinned.

"Same old Lucas." He suddenly runs towards me and before he could throw a punch, I turn my body to the left, dodging his attack.

I quickly grab his arm and toss him over my shoulder, slamming him onto the floor. He groans as he lies there for a while.

We're both tired of this. I should just end it right here and right now. Truly does suck that he was such a good friend of mine once upon a time. Now I'm the one that has to get rid of him before he does something like this again.

"At least I'll get to see my mate again." I froze in place. What the hell is wrong with him? He was just welcoming death? "Don't look at me like that Lucas. As much as I want you dead, I don't mind dying either. I'll get to see her again. However this ends, it'll benefit me. See my mate or kill the person that ended her life." He stood up, staring at me.

He raised his hand up and I was thrown against the wall by his magic.

"I'd prefer your death over anything though." I glanced at a lamp on the floor, just a foot away from me. Greyson approached me and I quickly reached for the lamp. Knowing that it was glass, I smashed it against the wall. I stood up holding a few glass pieces in my hands, while getting an odd look from Greyson.

He didn't have enough time to think of my next move before I flung one glass in his direction like a ninja star. Since I was 15, learning different techniques to fight was a major factor to becoming an alpha in my father's eyes. Knives just so happened to be one of those many techniques. And glass being the only weapon I have at the moment, currently had to serve as a substitute in this situation.

He dodged it just in time, before it hit his face. But not quick enough for it to not leave a scratch on his temple.

A droplet of blood seeped out from the scratch. With him too focused on the cut I threw another glass at him, then another, and another as I approached him.

Finally, I was close enough to reach out and plunge my right hand into his chest. And that's exactly what I did.

I sighed. "I truly am sorry for her death Greyson. And I'm sorry I have to be the one to end your life." Those were my final words before I ripped my hand out of his chest.

I couldn't forget the way he looked at me. Surprised yet relieved. I looked away and dropped his heart.

There were so many better and easier ways to be taken away from this planet but this was the only option I had. Snapping his neck would have had no effect whatsoever. And ripping off his head would have been unnecessary.

His heart was what held all of his power. Allowed all his magic to course through his veins. And so I had to remove it.

I bent down, staring at his lifeless eyes. I couldn't take it anymore so I shut his eyes. The blood on my hands traced down against his eye lids.

With that done, I left to go find Isabel. To find her I had to find Kyle.

His scent wasn't too hard to catch, but once I got it I followed it. After running past doors and through the halls I was greeted by the outdoors. Just a few yards ahead of me, I could see Kyle taking on three vampires. He ripped off one of their heads and was clawed by another in the process.

Isabel was no where in sight, and chances were that she's in hiding but where? Her scent was untraceable by the foul smell of vampire blood in the area.

This was getting irritating.

One minute I'm at the doorway watching Kyle. The next I'm ripping the two other vampires off of Kyle and pulling them apart by their limbs till they were taken by death.

"Where are they?" I growled. Luca had taken control by now. He's grown impatient and only wants to take back what is ours.

Kyle noticed Luca and responded immediately. "I told them to run away as fast as possible Luca. She ran this way." He pointed forward and then we shifted and began running through the thick forest.

Her scent! I could finally smell it. It was faint but still there. It was enough to push myself harder, and faster. The trees became a blur as her scent grew.

My eyes caught sight of a white ball, then it disappeared. And that's where her scent leads.

Next thing I knew, I reached a naked body. Her body was thin. Thinner then usual, meaning they gave her little to no food while she was locked up. I growled at that.

'I'm starting to not regret ripping his heart out.' My wolf spoke.

Her knotty hair was blocking her face and her body was completely visible. The white blob I saw must have been her wolf.

My wolf didn't like the fact that she was completely exposed and vulnerable. I pulled her hair away from her face to see her knocked out cold. She's beyond tired at this point.

"Lucas?" I heard Kyle shout from behind.

"She's fine. Just tired." I stated. "And naked so don't even think about getting any closer. I suggest you find Christina, she can't be far." With that said, I heard his footsteps fade in a direction to my left. Christina's scent is strong so she's fairly close. Probably just scared to death. That's probably why she isn't so close to Isabel.

I looked down at her pale skin. She felt slightly cold. I had to put some clothes on her. Keep her warm.

'Alex start up the car and make sure you have clothes. I'll be there soon.' I informed Alex through the link.

Standing up with Isabel in my arms I rush towards the direction of the cars.

'Kyle head towards the cars when you have Christina.'

With my speed, I reached the cars in a matter of minutes. Alex came out of the car and tossed me some clothes before jumping into the drivers seat in the van. The men climbed out of the van and made sure to keep their eyes off their Luna. My pack has more respect then the average men so they turned away and allowed me to bring my mate inside the now empty van. Alex had given me a pair of pants and a shirt large enough to cover her up.

I quickly dressed her up in the shirt and pulled on my pants. Once I was done I took a seat in the back and let the others come in. Kyle came inside with a shaken up Christina. She was wearing some sort of worn out mens clothing.

Oddly enough she looked worse then Isabel.
She was extremely thin and pale. It's obvious they will both need medical care for a while.

Problem is, we won't be able to reach the pack house for another few hours. So we're going to have to wait for the pack doctor.


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