Chapter 26

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Chapter 26

"Isabel come on. Let's just talk about this." Lucas said. We walked into his house and right now we were in the living room.

"No I'm good." I said walking around the room, keeping my distance from him.

"Isabel I know it's weird and all but-"

"Oh it's weird alright. You would actually bite me in the neck?! Why would you even do that?" I asked.

"One I hear from a lot of my mated friends it's quite pleasurable."

"Pleasurable?!?!" I half shouted.

"And two." He continued, ignoring my outburst "It tells other wolves that the girl is taken. It's a mark, a sign for people to back off of someone else's mate."

"Still...oh my god and the... 'it' thing."


"The other thing you have to do to the girl." I said in a 'duh' tone.


"Ew ew ew ew no! Do not say that word ok. I forbid that word. You can't say it in front of me or around me. Matter of fact don't say it at all." I stated. Just the thought of Lucas ripping off my clothes and and-oh ew no Dirty thoughts! Nasty bad dirty thoughts! I'm going to be taunted by that word for the rest of my life.


"It's forbidden!" I snapped. "Plus what about your future bride?" I questioned.

"You're seriously still on that? How many times do I have to tell you. I don't care about her. Not in that kind of way." He stated. "Anyways, you know we're going to do it someday." He smirked. My jaw almost dropped to the floor.

I was gaping at him. He did not just say that. Pulling myself together, I scuffed at him. "I am not doing 'it' with you." I snapped. "No way in hell."

"Just wait Isabel. There will be a day when you come to be begging for it." He cockily said, emphasizing the word 'it'.

Ugh! The ego this guy has. I am way to young for that. I'm only 17. Just turned 17! I'm still to young. To innocent for that. And the guy actually thinks I'm gonna beg him to do 'it' with me.

"Y-you you dirty sick pig! I will not be begging you for anything. Let alone beg you to do the 'forbidden word that shall not be spoken of' with me!"

"Just wait until you go through Heat. Let's see how that turns out, Lizzy." He smirked. It took him three strides to approach me, having me pushed up against his chest. He tilted my chin up forcing my eyes to look directly into his. "I can't wait to see the day when you go through heat." He grinned. His finger released my chin and left me cold without his touch. Then he headed out of the room upstairs, most likely to talk to Kyle.

"Wait! What's a heat?!" I yelled out at the stairs. But he was gone.

"Ugh you jerk! Just leave me hanging like that."

I heard a giggle from behind me. My head turned to face a cute girl with curly brown hair and a hand over her mouth.

She stood right across from me. Arms crossed over her chest with one hand up to her mouth trying to hold back another giggle. "Lucas is really interested in you." She spoke. "He's only cocky like that when he really likes someone. To be honest I knew Demetria wasn't his mate. They would of had 'it' by now" Dawna grinned.

"You heard." I sighed.

"You two are not the quietest and this is the pack house. There are like a couple hundred more people in here." She stated.

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