Chapter 25

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Chapter 25

"Lizzy I-"

"Stop Lucas! And answer the question!"

"One I am your alpha you do not shout at me! Don't even give me that look Isabel!" Rage filled my face.

"One, you are not my alpha. Two, you do not control me. And three, what gives you the right to get into my personal love life!?"

"Love Life?! Is that what it is?" His eyes began to darken. "I don't want you loving any one Isabel. No One!" I know his wolf was at his breaking point of coming out but I just couldn't stop yelling.

"What?! Who the hell are you to tell me what to do?! I can love whoever I want Lucas." I shouted back at him. What was he thinking?! It's my life, my heart, I love whoever I want to. I can date whoever the hell I want to!

"You are Mine Isabel!!! No One Else's!"

I gapped at him. I do not belong to anyone. "You don't own me!"

"Yes I do! Don't expect me not to attack the next guy I see near you or even looking at you. And if I ever see another guy kissing you I swear I'll-"

"You'll what?! Kill him?! What the hell has gotten into you!" When he didn't answer I was just at my breaking point. "Ugh!!" I groaned in frustration. Stomping towards the door I slam the door open.

"Where do you think you're going?!" He shouted at me.

"I'm going to find Alex. Call me when you're not about to go all wolf on me. And stay out of my love life." I slammed the door shut with enough force to make the room shake under my feet. But I didn't care. I needed to talk to Alex. I wanted to know what Lucas told him exactly.

* * *

After checking the whole damn house I finally found Alex. He was sitting on the hood of his jeep looking down at his hand, that was twirling around a small machete between his fingers.

As if sensing me he shot his head up in my direction. He looked back down at the machete before putting it in his pocket. As I walked towards him, he moved a little to make some space for me to sit next to him. I jumped onto the hood and we stayed quiet for a few minutes.

I was trying to think of ways to start a conversation with him, but I came up with nothing. How was I suppose to talk to him after that happened?

What Lucas did was completely over the line and inexcusable. He acted like a stubborn jealous idiot in there.

Oddly enough I knew he was hurting deep down. Lucas was just to stubborn to show his feelings, let alone admit them.

Truthfully I wanted to apologize to Lucas for my outburst and harsh rage I had on him. Good thing I decided to ignore that feeling, to leap at him and forgive him. He deserved it. Every bit of it.

I glanced over at Alex who was still twirling the knife in his hand between his fingers.

"Alex I wanted to-"

"It's ok Isabel." He looked at me with kind eyes but a neutral expression. "You don't have to apologize. I mean none of this was your fault."

"Still. I shouldn't have come here. If I hadn't none of this would have happened. You would have finished training. Lucas wouldn't have yelled at you. And we would've still been together." I placed my hand over his, holding them tightly.

"Isabel, I know you care about me and I definitely care abut you but maybe this was a good thing." I frowned at his words. Did Lucas make Alex think twice about me? The thought of Alex not being with me as boyfriend or just a friends left a stinging pain in my heart.

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