Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

The whole room was in place but everything else was floating. The further she walked in the more stuff would lift up off there places.

The soup was floating in mid air. The shampoo, conditioner, lotions, makeup, everything in the bathroom was floating. Almost as if there was no gravity in the room what so ever. Abby was the only thing planted on the floor like the only one affected by gravity was her.

I was in awe. "Oh my god. Abby, " I looked at her. "This is incredible." I put my hands to my mouth still in total awe. "How are you doing that?"

"I have no idea." We looked each other for a moment before returning our gaze to the floating objects."Come in." She gestured with her hand for me to come in.

I walked in slowly, looking around the light turquoise room. I gaped at the whole experience. I twirled slowly taking in the unexplainable yet magical sight that stood all around me.

I lightly tap a small bottle of lotion that floated just in front of me. Once it made contact with my finger it slowly drifted away from me. I felt like I was in a space shuttle. But felt a thousand times more amazing.

The feelings I had at that moment was overwhelming me. Awe, surprise, strange, inhuman, supernatural. I looked at Abby.

"Abby, your a witch. A supernatural. How is that even possible?" To say I was shocked was a total understatement.

"I don't know? I just found out today." She was as surprised as I was but still freaked at what she could do.

"Well it kinda makes sense how your a witch." I mumbled.

"What? How?" She looked at me funny.

"All honesty here I actually thought you were physic but this, this says otherwise."

"You thought I was a physic?"

"Remember how at times you would get this strange feeling that something bad or good would happen to some people. Like warnings."

"Yeah?" She looked straight at me. Her lips pouted a little and her hip leaned to the side with her hand placed right on top. This was her thinking face. In her mind, she was putting some pieces together in this puzzle. I could tell that much by the look she gave me.

"Like...when you told your mom not to go out and drive at night. We were little when that happened but you might still remember. "

"Yeah and then the next twenty minutes, there was a huge car accident in the front of our house." She spoke a little louder.

"And the other time when you said that Christina's brother was going to get sick somehow. And a few hours later he had a bad cold." We were getting a little louder and louder by the second. But could you blame us. We were overwhelmed.

And the time when Abby told me in the cafeteria that I was going to get hurt. Which I was later that night by the vampire. Physically he hurt me. And emotionally by Lucas who hurt me when I found out about his fiancé.

"Yes, oh my god! Have I always been a witch?"

"Don't ask me. I don't know. Maybe?" I replied.

"Oh wow. I'm a witch!" She said a little quietly and began jumping up and down.

"And I'm friends with a witch." Now we were both jumping like idiots.

"Oh right" she stopped jumping now. "You need to promise not to tell anyone."

"Yes of course. I would never tell anyone. Your my best friend. My sister, I would never put you in danger like that. If people knew they would freak."

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