Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

My heart was stuck at the pit of my stomach and I couldn't move. I couldn't even breathe. I was to taken aback by the horrible sight in front of me.

Well it sure didn't take him that long to get over me or the fight.

Lucas was making out with another girl. I could only see half of his face sense the rest was being blocked by a slim blonde in a dark green mid length dress with 3 inch heals on.

Can you guess who she is?

Go on guess.

I'll give you a hint

She's the bitch of the year.

Did you get it? Of course you did. Who could miss the most obvious person.


One part of me just wanted to yank her hair out. Another slap Lucas in the face. Another part of me wanted to break down in tears but I wasn't going to look weak here. No way.

That would only prove Demetria's point of me being a weak human. I'm not a weak person!

Oh my god! I just don't understand him! Just a day ago he told me that he didn't love her nor want her, yet here he is making out with her.

Hell if Mr. Bipolar wants her, fine. I'm happy with my life.

I have three-no four of the best people in the world to be my best friends. Abby, Christy, Laila and Alex. They have all been there for me through thick and thin. I love them more then anyone else in the world.

And that includes Lucas. My love for them is stronger then my love for Lucas.

"Iz? Izzy?" I turned my head to Alex.

"Just forget him. He's an ass for doing this to you." I forced a fake smile.

Alex pulled me closer towards him, so his lips were at my ear. "Just don't tell him I said that. He still is my alpha." He whispered.

Giggling I put my finger to my lips gesturing 'my lips are sealed'

"Anyways I'll be here to back you up. I'll always be there to back you up." He continued as he moved his hand on top of mine. I squeezed his hand as if my life depended on him.

Like I said my friends are always there for me. That's why I love them so much.

"Thank you Alex. I'm glad you're here with me." I smiled.

He returned the gesture and held onto my hand over the table. I looked up to see Sarah grinning at me.

I release my grip on Alex and walk to Sarah, giving her a hug.

"It's nice to see you again." I said, slowly pulling back from our hug.

"It's nice to see you too. I wondered why you seemed so familiar before. You were Lucas's neighborhood friend."

"Yeah. That was me." I awkwardly said.

Did it seriously take her this long to recognize me?

"You've grown to be so beautifully Isabel. I could hardly recognize that cute little girl with the baby cheeks and the short dark brown hair."

I smiled "Yeah it's been a long time."

"Hello Isabel. I'm hoping you remember me." A deep voice said standing beside Sarah.

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