Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

His WHAT?!?! Fiancé!! What the hell! I was way past angry I was...OhMyGod!!! I wanted to yell at him and throw him against the door and tell him to get the Hell Out. What the hell was going through his head when he kissed me and put his hands and lips on my body! I wouldn't have done that if I had known about this.

He's a sleaze bag. A dick, a jerk, a..a..Damn It!! I can't even think of anything else to describe the jerk who was standing in front of me next to his Fiancé. He kissed me, knowing it was wrong, and tells me now about his fiancé, his soon to be bride and wife.

Saying that I hated him was a total understatement! He messed with me and my feelings. I liked him. I felt passion with him when we kissed. I've never felt that way before with any other guy. When I saw her and the words come out of his mouth my heart shattered into a million pieces that were sharp to a point and stabbing me inside my chest.

But now I felt hate and anger. I felt so stupid for believing he actually liked me. He was not the same little sweet boy I remembered and loved as my best friend. He was nothing like him. I was so wrong about him.

I wondered if he felt good about himself after toying with me like that. He probably did.

"Demetria can you go down stairs sweetheart?"


"I need to talk to Isabel." Lucas said in a calm tone to her.

Oh, sweetheart. Really. He's so gonna get it after she leaves the room. Wolf or not I'm kicking his ass.

She looked at me and then back at him with calm eyes. "Sure. Baby." She gave him a peck on the cheek and walked out of the room closing the door behind her.

"Lizzy I-"

"Don't call me that." I demanded.

"I get your pissed at me." He continued.

"Pissed?" I said in a calm voice. "I'm not pissed at you Lucas." I raised my voice "Im angry with you. Lucas I hate you! I really fucking hate you!"

He stood there quiet. In shock from my harsh words, looking almost hurt. Good! I was glad that my words hurt him. He needed to be told off.

I walked towards him so we were face to face.

"What? You thought it would be funny to mess with me like that? And knowing that your engaged. Your the worst person I've ever met." You could hear the hatred in my voice. And I spat out the last sentence, making sure he got my point to never mess with me again.

I walked towards the door.

He was fast though. Before I could touch the door he was already holding the door shut.

"Where are you going?" He asked with his voice sweet but yet demanding voice.

"Home, where else?" I said. Trying to open the door. He was strong though. Damn his stupid strength "Let me out Lucas!" I demanded. His name was like venom to me. I couldn't even say it without feeling total disgust towards him.

"Your still wounded. I'm not letting you out of my sight. Your gonna stay here wether you like it or not." He was serious? He actually thinks I'm going to stay here with him, after what just happened?!

"What are you gonna force yourself on me? Toy with me again? I'm not staying here with you. And I'm not going to be treated like some slut!" I wanted to slap him. Scream out in rage. Throw random objects at him until he leaves the room.

Summer and Autumn Born WolvesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora