Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

It was 2 o'clock in the morning and I couldn't sleep at all. I was just...not tired.

After the whole mate thing Alex told me, I freaked. And just as I shouted 'What?!' at him, my parents entered the car. The whole ride home we stayed quiet. When we got home I dragged him to my room.

"What do you mean mate?" I closed the door to my room and stalked over to him. "You just told me that he and Demetria were mates. Why would you think I'm his mate?!" I half shouted.

"Hey it was just a thought."

"Well why'd you think it?!"

"It's just the way he acts around you. When we were holding hands his eyes turned onyx black for Pete sake! He looked at me like if I didn't let go he would have torn me limb from limb. His jealousy was strong. And if Demetria was his mate, he wouldn't feel jealousy. When you find your mate all you feel is love towards them, not love towards anyone else. I haven't seen him ever kiss Demetria or show any kind of lust for her until today. And they have been together for months now."


"Iz, didn't you tell me that Lucas said he loved you... not Demetria?" He added.

I didn't say anything. Lucas couldn't be my mate. Could he?

If he was why wouldn't he have told me?

Just as I was about to say something my dad opens my door.

"Its bed time princesa. And no doors closed when a boy is in your room."

"It's alright Mr. Faye. I was just about to head on home. Talk to you later Iz...Goodnight." Alex kissed my temple and walked out the door standing next to my dad.

"Goodnight Mr. Faye." Alex said.

"Goodnight son. It was great seeing you again." Alex and my dad shook hands, before he walked downstairs. I heard the door close and knew Alex left the house.

"Goodnight princesa. Better get some sleep you look tired. And don't forget, you have school tomorrow."

"Ok. Goodnight daddy." He closed the door and went to his room.

And that was four hours ago. I can't sleep thinking about this whole mate thing.

After minutes of thinking and asking myself all the multiple questions running through my head over and over again... Why wouldn't Lucas tell me I was his mate? Am I his mate? Why did he kiss Demetria? Why did he say he loved me when it didn't look that way over dinner?

Out of all those questions running through my tired head I decided on one question and one question only. Why should I care?

If I was Lucas' mate he would of told me by now. If he hasn't told me and I am his mate, then he must have a strong reason on why he hasn't told me.

Yet none of that matters. The way he acted tonight said he was interested in Demetria. I don't care or believe what Alex said about his thought. And I don't want to.

If I want to get Lucas out of my head. The first thing I should do is just not care. Move on. And to move on...I need to start dating. I'm gonna need some help from my two girls Christy and Abby for this.

Eventually after an hour past I dozed off and finally received a well needed rest.

* * *

"Hey" my two BFFs said in unison. They stood at the frame of my front door with grins on their faces.

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