Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

With every step I took I was heading further and further into the forest.

Multiple shades of green surrounded me. Wild flowers all over the path I was walking through. Branches lifted and rose out from under the ground. I had to watch out for those unless I wanted to fall and land on my butt, better keep a keen eye out for those little tripping buggers. Small branches broke from under my feet with every step I made.

In the past five minutes of walking, oddly enough I saw a blue purple and green feathered hummingbird no bigger then my hand. Some squirrels playing around as they climbed about the trees. Many yellow colored butterflies, that flew by me. And a small caramel brown rabbit hopping across the path to the other side of the forest.

Though there was one thing that really caught my attention.

I felt like I was being watched.

Frantically moving my eyes in all the directions possible I could not find anything that was out of the ordinary. But my feeling grew stronger. I know someone or something is out there. Watching me. I could just feel their eyes burning holes in me.

I stood in place slowly moving my head side to side taking a few more glances around. Still nothing.

Maybe I'm just being paranoid.

I continued my walk. Only a moment later I heard a snapping sound. The sound of branches breaking under someone's foot. As I stood in place and heard the noise again I knew it wasn't from me.

Immediately, I shot my head in the direction the sound came from. Behind the bushes were eyes. Blue as a sapphire. Beautiful as a diamond.

Frozen in my spot I locked eyes with them. They were almost hypnotizing. Making it impossible for me to stop looking at them. They were so enchanting.

This forest has got to be the weirdest forest I have possibly ever been through. Everything is just to beautiful and breath taking it's almost like a dream.

The eyes leaped out at me. From beyond the bushes the blue eyed creature landed on me.

I yelped in surprise as it tackled me to the ground. The force causing me to stumble backwards and collide into the ground.

Ouch!!! Damn that hurt my head.

For some reason I wasn't afraid of the creature that leaped onto me.

The creature removed itself off of me and a sort of...laugh came out of the creature.

Yes I think it just laughed at me. No joke. It sounded just like a laugh. Must have hit my head pretty hard because I'm hallucinating things.

I sat up, my butt sitting on the grassy yet hard ground and glared up at the creature.

The creature turned out to be a big black wolf.

It was bigger than the average wolf and looked to be female.

The she wolf had pure black fur that looked almost violet in the streaks of sunlight shining through the trees' leaves.

She looked dangerous but her eyes were playful and loving.

Unexpectedly the she wolf leaped at me again and licked my cheek. She hopped around me.

"Calm down! You're going to have a panic attack!" I laughed at the she wolf.

She grinned at me standing just in front of me. Her tail wagging rapidly from side to side.

In a blink of a second the she wolf began to morph into something taller. It began to change features.

Her fur began to shorten and her legs grew taller. She stood up her black violet hair covering her face.

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