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"Basically, what I'm saying is that your parents knew these three. If they contacted your parents then it must be the reason why they resigned. I think they were trying to help your parents, Kenny," Christian explained to me, while pacing back and forth in the office. We stayed in his office the whole night, now it was almost six in the morning. I hate to admit that time went fast when I was with him.

I was getting dizzy watching him. "Christian, could you sit down? Seeing you like this makes my head spin," He stopped moving, looking at me in silence. The man then came to sit on his chair, his fingers tap upon the desk. His style of working is very rough, like my dad used to work. Then again, I do not really want for me to think of him like my dad. That would be gross. 

"Okay... so do you get me?" He asked, breaking my clouds of thoughts. I lean forward, looking at him, putting both of my arms on the desk. "I do... but what are they trying to help?"

"I don't know... but whatever it is, I think that your parents needed their help. And they seem to realize something about this whole thing if they decided to betray their allegiance towards the company. But, somehow, I don't understand what is the relation between Hexagon and Origin Corporation. Do you find anything on Origin?" My mind flash back to where I think I may have heard the name before. My body moves towards the black bag that I brought with me, shovelling into the content of the bag to find something. A letter came into my view. Yes, that was it. I found a letter from Origin Corporation, sent to my dad. It was when I snoop inside Aunt Susan's bedroom and got curious of the black wooden cabinet.

I pulled out the letter, showing it to Christian. "Here, I... found this letter, it's from Origin, but they sent it to my dad. When I opened it, it was empty... I don't know why but I figure... you could see anything?"  He took the letter out from my hands, examining it. Taking the letter out from its envelope, he continues to study the paper, flipping it from side to side to find something.

"This isn't your typical letter paper...," He said abruptly, taking the lighter from his pockets. He smokes? That was new. He glances at me, putting his action to a halt. "Would you mind helping me?" He asked, giving me his lighter. My eyes went boggled, quickly taking the lighter from his hand. 

"Now, just light it up and hold it under the paper," He instructed.

I hesitate. "What? That would burn the-,"

"Just do what I said,"

I exhale a loud puff, just doing what he said. Lighting the lighter, I placed it under the paper, holding it there. Christian stared at the letter intently, never sparing an eye at anything else. He was so focused...

"This letter that was sent to your father was made with special materials, written in invisible ink," He enlightened me, telling me why we were doing this.

I watched him in amaze. "You think that fire would show it's content,"

"Not fire, but heat. I had encountered these sorts of material before. But the usage for these items were really rare. They don't make a lot like this any more, so I'm surprised to even found one tonight," He mused. 

"If you say so," I mumbled then continue to just kept quiet, looking at the letter, waiting for something to come up. I have never been exposed to these type of stuff before, mom and dad always told me that what they did, I should not care about. But I was quite relieved now that I could get to experience this. As he said, these things were rare.

I was distracted by his face when he started calling me out. "Look, there's something. You can let go of the lighter now," He moved the paper away, putting it down on the desk.

"Alright... let us see what is hidden," I spoke, peering over the paper.

I read what was on the letter. 

"To Mr Knowles," I started, gulping.

"My name is Vincent Julio Hernandez II, Chief Executive Officer for Origin Corporation. Our team have heard about your trip to Italy the other day with your wife, Sharon Knowles. We believe that she, has taken what is ours, used for our new technology in the making. With all due respect, we ask you and your wife to return the silver necklace to us immediately. We do not want to cause trouble for your family, we ask kindly for the item to be sent back to us before the 16th of September-,"

After that, what seem to be in the letter was other information about the company, a verification that the letter was in fact indeed from the company although it was written in a form of an informal letter. My mind went to think about this whole situation, and I realized something.

"He's a descent from Benjamin... which means... Hexagon of all this time was...," I paused, looking at Christian to see if he could catch up with my thoughts.

"Origin Corporation...," He finished, looking back at me. He goes to stand up, walking around the room. "This makes sense so much more, when I search for 'Hexagon Occult' on the web, Origin Corporation came up. How can I not see this? But the necklace, why the necklace. He said something about a new technology,"

I stand up as well, approaching him. "We must find out, Christian. Whatever it is, I think we ought to put a stop to this wicked plan of his," He stopped walking to look at me. All of a sudden, he puts both his arm on my face, staring back at me with expression that were so thoughtful and powerful that he could eat me up alive right on the spot. 

His mouth quirks up into a smirk. "You are really something, aren't you. You think we could stop them by ourselves?"

"Why not? You even said you were once the Head Captain. I bet you got some guns somewhere," I throw a smirk back at him.

"You have just made me like you more, Kenneth Knowles,"

My mouth gaped open to what he said. I was going to ask, trying to understand the meaning behind his statement. But he cut me of, going over his desk to take his car key.

"Now come, we have some things to do if we want to do this," He let out, walking over to the door. I followed him, perplexed by what he was trying to do but at the same time astonished at how committed he was into this case, into a problem that was initially only involved my parents.

Rushing to follow him, we got inside his car. I have never been inside a Mercedes but, boy, was he loaded. I put my seatbelt quickly when I realized he had been speeding down the road. Holding onto the car seat, I looked over to his protruded facial expression. 

"Where are we even going?" I questioned, looking outside to see where we are even heading.

With one hand on the steering wheel, he took a glimpse of me, smiling. "We're meeting an old friend, he will help us," Whenever he finished stating that, he pressed the gas pedal harder, sprinting faster than we were before.

"Woah! This is too fast!" I shut my eyes, afraid. He laughed, and I stayed stiff in my seat for ten minutes, feeling stunned as a rock. Even when I was taking this path that would lead me to nothing but danger, I believe that if I did not do this... I would never know what could possibly the reason why my parents left me at Aunt Susan's, and I am this close to know exactly why they disappear.

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