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"What happened to mom and dad, Aunt Susan?" I asked lowly towards the blonde hair woman as I walked my small body to the table where she was sitting. She was holding a phone. When I got home to get some drinks for my friends, I saw her talking with someone, she mentioned mom and dad. It made me questioned in wonder.

Her face turn towards me, a calm look on her face. "Kenneth, you have no need to worry. Just go ahead and play with your friends." Why was she keeping this from me? I needed to know. I was now eight years old and it has been three years that they left me. How come I was not supposed to know?!

I was getting upset by not knowing the truth. "But I want to know! You can't keep this from me Aunt Susan," I shouted. The veins on my neck were popping out of anger and frustration. I hold me hands into a fist tightly, trying to focus all of my anger there.

"That's because they're disappeared Kenneth! They're gone! They're not coming home!" She snapped.


I woke up from my bed, sweats running down my forehead to my neck. The dream made my breathing go faster. My hands wiped away the sweats, my clothes were drenched in them. I did not understand why they were gone, why they disappeared. That day was when the police called Aunt Susan, telling them that they found my parent's car crashed into a tree from the cliff. They found no bodies inside them, just empty without any blood nor anything that indicates a person driving the car. They assumed that they were dead, but deep inside I know they were somewhere out there, hiding or maybe suffering from someone or something that chased them. 

My mind wander back to the journal that I read yesterday. My parents talked about an occult, a group of murderers, worshippers that wanted something divine. Something that made them unstoppable. My mom wrote in her research about the necklace she found, the one that I was wearing right now. How it holds a power, some kind of message. I did not understand, what message? What power? What does she mean by divine?

I get off from the bed, my feet went straight to the showers. Of all the things that I could think of in the shower, my mind went off again to the necklace. I hold the necklace in my hands, looking at it intently. What are you hiding? What is it that you want to tell me?

After being in the shower for a whole of 30 minutes, I got out, dressed up and go downstairs. I searched for Aunt Susan. The woman was nowhere to be found again. "Aunt Susan?" I called out her name. No reply. Going into the kitchen, I saw a note on the table. My hand grabbed the white paper.

'Will be home soon. Got some errands to do. Food is in the freezer, heat it. Love you'

She was out again? I paced around the kitchen, thinking of what to do. Normally I would go and spend time with Kate but I figure that at this time, she would be doing something else with her family. It was a Sunday, and I should have been spending time with Aunt Susan if she was not out doing errands. But I understand, she needed to work to take care of us. It was something inevitable. My eyes met with the rubbish can that was already full. I needed to take that out as soon as possible. The house was dull enough to even smell terrible.

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