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My feet rushed upstairs in a hurry. The adrenaline, the fear, the shock, the sadness, everything except happiness and joy was dashing through my whole body. Every time my feet step closer to my room, they seem to get weaker. The sight of Aunt Susan's body was still crystal clear in my head. I placed my hand on the wall, holding myself, my weak state of mind. When I reached my room, I looked at everything that was inside. This reminded me of when I was moving from my own house to here. The same situation but different scenario, one in which the shadow were starting to chase after me, they were nearer than I ever expected.

I walked to my desk, my eyes stare at the wooden surface, my hands were jittery and all of the stuff from the desk was push off from it, landing on the floor. I blitz to took my bag from the closet, taking the clothes I needed. My hands grabbed a black jacket, putting it on. After taking the clothes, my feet went back to the desk. I grabbed the journal, grabbed the picture of my mom and dad from under my bed and quickly move to Aunt Susan's bedroom.

My head peeked outside my bedroom, seeing if anything was moving, if the killers were here. Noticing nothing, I made my way to Aunt Susan's bedroom, getting inside. She said that she hid her money here somewhere... I looked around the room, and my eyes caught a small money bank on her vanity table. Approaching it, I grabbed the bank and see if there was an opening to it. None. My mind did not want to shatter the bank here, it would cause noise... and the killers would hear it. I did not know where they are, but they were getting closer. Maybe they were here somewhere hiding in the shadows, waiting for the perfect timing to bite. They were serial killers, it is a matter of time when they would get to me and just slash my limbs out from my body. I put the money bank into my bag, remembering to open it later. 

As I was about to walk out of the room, my body stops as I stare at myself in front of the vanity mirror. The light from the window was the only thing that help me stare at my own reflection of dread and terror. The expression never left my face. Blood were all over my hair, it went to my forehead due to my hands clutching it earlier. It gave me a look of catastrophe, blood that were so dark that it will always be there to stained my face in guilt, sadness and horror of what I have yet to become. A runaway. My eyes were bloodshot, they were red, a facade that will always be there as I lost everything.

My eyes went down to stare to my hands, one was holding the bag. They were stained with blood too. Aunt Susan's blood. I breathe heavily at the sight of how I look... I wanted a break from studying, this was the break. Trouble coming in.

A loud step was heard booming from the stairs. I look to the door of the bedroom. They were here. I can never go out of the house from that route, I would stumble upon them. Thinking of a way out, my mind went to the window on my right. I could make it, I think. The drop down was not that far. It would hurt but better than being killed with a gun or being slit on the throat with a machete. 

I go to the window, my bloody hands struggling to open it. The steps were getting louder from here. I tried harder on opening the window. With one swift turn on the handle, the window was opened. My feet went outside the window, feeling for something to step on. It stepped on a narrow cement railing. With that, I pushed my body out, standing on the narrow railing. Quickly, I walked slowly to the side, hiding myself from the view of the window. My eyes caught a glimpse of the killer, he was holding a chain, with a gun on the other hand. 

Gulping, I continue the move slowly to the side, reaching for the front porch roof. Once arrived at the roof, my eyes search for the car down below. It was parked close by. Looking back, I went to climb my way down.

At that moment of danger, my foot was stuck on the rain gutter of the roof. My body landed on the car bonnet with a loud bang, loud enough to alert someone, by that, the killer in the house. 

"Argh... fuck... need to get up," I groaned in pain. Getting up from the car bonnet, I heard a rush coming from inside the house. Hastily, I moved to the car driver door, with a hand on my stomach due to the fall.

Getting inside the car, I ignited the car immediately. The car started to act on me, taking a long time to start up. "No, no you don't! Start up, damn it!" I tried countless times until it worked. As the car came to life, the killer was vaulting out from the front door... with an angry, vicious and menacing look on his face.

"Shit, shit, shit! Drive, Kenny, Drive!" I stepped on the reverse pedal, backing away from the house. The killer was pursuing after me with long big strides. 

My face paled. "Fuck!" I cursed out loud as I pressed my feet hard on the gas pedal. I was almost centimetres away from being snatched out from the car by the killer. He pointed a gun towards my direction, releasing shots after shots at me. I lowered my head, driving the car around to avoid being hit on the tyres. If it was, I would be dead by then.

I eyed the killer from the rear-view mirror. To my horror, he went inside a car, stealing the car of one of the neighbours. Fuck it, he was chasing me. I pressed the gas pedal so hard, speeding down the road to somewhere far away where he could not chase after me. My heart was beating a thousand times in a second from the stress I was having. With nowhere to go, I make way to the city. Looking back into the rear-view mirror again, I saw the car the killer stole, still chasing after me. I need to lose him. 

Through the windscreen of his vehicle, he fires shot at my direction. It hits the back mirror, shattering it into pieces. I screamed, scared of getting hit. Glancing back, he was still there. My eyes look ahead of the road to search for something to make him stop. I caught a big boulder stone beside the road. Stepping on the gas pedal to reach the speed limit, I forced him to follow me there at the same speed.

"I hope this works," I muttered to myself, clenching my jaw from the nervousness. With inches away from the boulder, I turn the wheel rapidly, turning the car's direction back on the road, almost hitting the boulder. My eyes went back to see the killer's car. In slow motions, the car hit the boulder, making the vehicle fly onto the sky above me, about to land in front of the road.

"Holy...," I stammered, looking at the car flying off. Instantly, it hit the road upside down in a big crash. The smokes were coming out from the car, giving warning that an explosion was about to happen soon. I drive my way fast around the toppled car, zooming fast on the road to the city.

As I drive my ahead, my eyes cannot help but wander back to look at the crashed car. On spur of moment, the car exploded, throwing every piece of its body parts away. My body jolted in shock from the impact it gave. I took a big gulp, then continue my journey. I just killed a killer... what am I going to do now?

I lost my family, I lost a home. I lost a place where I can gain comfort. 

It would be dangerous for me to go to Kate's house. I would involve her in danger. What should I do? I look at the passenger seat beside me, taking out the picture of my mom and dad out from the bag. On a trail to oblivion, I start my journey alone... like I have always did, when they sent me there. After all these time, safe was never in our family no more. 

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