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My eyes open up to the sound of my phone ringing again and again. I yanked my body from the comfortable chair that I was sitting on. Break hours must have ended if calls were to be going in on and on again.

"Oh my goodness, calm down phone," I muttered as I pick up the call. When I do, the sound of a squealing female voice came into my ear, giving the headache that I was feeling even more worse. My fingers massage the temple of my head, trying to cool off the pain that my brain was struggling on. It was Alissa, the girl I was supposed to be tied with by my mother. I look at the clock that was on the wall in front of me, still break hours, I should have just continued my nap. Listening to her voice was a throbbing disaster.

My tired voice let out a sigh. "What is it now, Alissa?" I have been on work for one straight week when the murdering in Richmond Street started. Since then, my mind has been going in circles about this whole mess. We have yet to discover what was going on. The killer did not leave any clues at all. They were smart, smart to hide what they had done. Our team has been investigating to and fro from different crime scene and all we got is dead bodies, blood and a whole sight of scattered household items.

"I'm picking wedding rings! All of them are so beautiful! I will send you pictures to all the options I like, give your thought on it," The woman spoke into the phone excitedly. God, the wedding... what is it with these imaginations of being married so soon. I still have work to do. Alissa and I met through my mother, my mother was 'keen' enough to pick a 'woman of my dreams' but she has not yet to know that this 'woman of my dreams' is not the woman of my dreams. The old lady said that I was young, needed to move fast in my relationship field instead of just moving fast in my career. I swore my mother and her friends have a thing for matchmaking their sons with someone they did not know.

I ran a hand through my face, the stubbles were growing now from the lack of sleep and rest. "Alissa, I have no time for that. Just choose whatever you want," I spoke out, there was no time to play lovey-dovey or be busy about this whole fiancé thing. Hell, I do not even loved her, this was all set up. Does she not see that?

She let out a small whine, mumbling something inaudible through the phone, she was pouting. "Don't you love me? We're doing this together, remember... baby?" The nickname she gave me left me feeling nauseous, it almost made me gag out of embarrassment. This girl was being shoved in the mouth by my mother's lie, and she without a clue, accepted it with her mouth wide open.

I groaned frustratingly into the call. "We don't! Love each other Alissa. Don't you see you're being fooled by my mother? You need to realize this before you end up living as a wife who her husband doesn't love her. I'm trying to help you here," She gasped by the words I spoke, this was the first time I spoke about this to her... I just hope she gets it that there is nothing in between us. My intention is only to focus on my work.

"Oh... alright... I... see you soon then," She mumbled, the sadness was eminently laced on her tone. It does not need a detective to know what she was feeling right now.

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