Chapter 33 - Him, Whom I First Fell For

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"It is an absolute human certainty that no one can know his own beauty or perceive a sense of his own worth until it has been reflected back to him in the mirror of another loving, caring human being."
- John Joseph Powell, The Secret of Staying in Love


Warning: Mature Content

Lan Wangji


The most pleasant voice in my ear...

Am I dreaming of him again... in that way?

My force my eyes to open. Jingshi? How did I come here?

I could still hear those grunts. Someone is training outside Jingshi.

Wei Ying!

I wasn't dreaming? Am I imagining it all?

I jump out of the bed and rush to the door. I open it.

I blink a few times...

There he was, stunning as ever, in his black robes, red ribbon, Suibian in hand with its tip pointing the ground. When he sees me a fine smile spreads across his alluring face that I first fell for.

"Wei Ying?" I whisper. Am I imagining this?

His eyes sparkled with tears when he let out a chuckle. He runs towards me and I climb down the steps as if something was pulling me to him.

He puts his arms around my neck, pulling me close to him and says, "I'm here, Lan Zhan."

He's here...

I hug him, feeling his flesh and bones and I don't bother to stop the tears that fell from my eyes. His warmth, his breath, they were all here. He was here, alive, between my arms.

He pulls away and cups my face, wiping my tears away. Unable to hold back I kiss him, tasting those soft lips which were once forbidden to me.

"More tempting?" he asks while pulling away.

"Hm." I kiss him again.

I place my hand above his heart, feeling its hammering beats.

He survived. We're together...

"I hate to ruin a reunion," I hear my brother's voice near the entrance, "but, I'm glad to see you awake Wangji."

"Brother," I greet him.

"I informed Uncle about... your sudden change of appearance, he said that he would try to explain it to the elders. You can meet him when you're ready."

"Thank you, brother Xichen." Wei Ying replies.

"I came by to check how you were, Wangji. And it seems, you're more than well." he brother chuckles, "I won't be interrupting you anymore. I will take my leave."

When he's out of the earshot, Wei Ying whispers to my ear, "I know you want me, Lan Zhan." I pull him by his hand towards our house.

When he closes the door, I pull him close, keep him on a nearby table and kiss him roughly till he is breathless. He wraps his legs around me and I push myself close to him, grinding us together making his hands on my back grab my robes. He continues to move his hips making me breath irregularly.

"Bed," I say before it's too late and he nods, and I lift him making him chuckle.

I carry him and place him on the soft quilts. I strip off my clothes and I kneel between his legs. I part his robes exposing his smooth skin and my gaze averts to the scar on his chest. Noticing it, he takes my hand and places it on the scar and keeps his hand on mine, which was a selfsame imprint of his.

When We Meet Again (The Untamed Sequel)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora