Chapter 31 - Till Death Do Us Apart

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"Don't resent me. And when you're feeling empty, keep me in your memory.
Leave out all the rest."
-Linkin Park


Warning: Mentions death

Wei Wuxian

When I look around the spiritual realm, I find my vision a bit higher than usual. I look down at my hands and realize that I had the appearance of my older body. Of course, this is what my real image is. That's how my spirit looks like.

Many spirits of various cultivators were in deep meditation somewhat far away from me, surrounded by their auras. After a while, a blue light, which I recognize as Lan Zhan's power, emerges in front of me. And the spirit comes with it.

Since we were in the spiritual realm, he no longer looked like me. He was wearing black ragged clothing and was missing an eye, which he hadn't bothered to cover. There were a number of scars on his face, which reminded me of how Wen Chao looked after suffering my torture.

"Not a pleasant sight, is it Wei Wuxian?" he smirks. "Have a good look! This is what your power made. Every time you tortured someone, the same thing was imprinted on me. How does it feel like to recall your actions?"

I could feel the venom in his words, each of them was carefully chosen to hurt me.

"This will be your end," I say, trying to sound confident, but it seemed he was already aware of the impact he had on me. After all, it was in me when I committed those acts, it was well aware of my feelings.

"And then what? Do you believe that you could reincarnate again?" He laughs. "They say that there's only a thin line between courage and stupidity. You crossed it too far this time Wei Wuxian."

With his last few words, he plunges himself on me, catching me off guard and strangles me. He sure was powerful. I try to remove his hands from my neck, but he increases his power, making his pupils red. He can't destroy me this way in the spiritual realm, but it seemed he was enjoying my pain.

When I try to move his hand again, I hear a voice calling for me.

Lan Zhan! I must answer.

But I couldn't make any sound with the force of the spirit's arms. Noting my desperation the spirit grins and tightens its grip on my neck.

I hear Lan Zhan's voice again. He shouldn't do this, it takes too much energy. The blue light emerges again giving me a pathway to go back to his realm and possess my body. My hopes were worthwhile. The spirit's eyes widen in surprise when he sees it, only causing his power to intensify.

I desperately struggle beneath him, trying to call back or escape or something to change the situation only to be attacked even more fiercely.

Again. Lan Zhan calls me again, risking losing his energy forever. I want him to wait for me, but he can't. He will be dragged away in a few moments.

I need to get out.

"You will not answer him today Wei Wuxian. You will be stuck here with me." He laughs like a lunatic.

And then, I identify what his weakness is. He wants me to be in pain, to struggle under him. So I do quite the opposite. I stop my movements. I release his hands and keep them on my side.

He was surprised. "Giving up already? Fight back Wei Wuxian."

I do nothing. I close my eyes making him growl in frustration. I silently gather energy in my hand and wait for the right time.

Just as I feel his hands lighten, I strike my hand right on top where a core usually is.

"You-" he groans in pain. He moves his hands trying to attack me with his power, but I restrict him from doing so.

"Don't forget who I am," I say. "I am your creator. You can't directly hurt me. And today, you will be destroyed."

I dig my hand deeper sending waves of spiritual energy into him. When he was not able to contain it any longer, it emits out of his eyes and mouth. I keep at it till he was completely under my energy and it slowly dims away with it, as it destroyed him.

When it was no longer visible, I look for the pathway and see that it was shrinking and fading away.

At this rate, I can't get to it on time.

But I try. I throw myself towards it.

Midair, I watch it shrinking it to the size of a lotus pod.


Lan Wangji

I open my eyes again, feeling empty and numb. I couldn't cry. I couldn't scream. It was overwhelming. I manage to stand up and walk towards the lifeless body lying at the center on the array.

I collapse on to my knees next to him. I scoop him up and try to find a faint hint of life in him.

Pulse, nothing.

Heartbeat, nothing.

Breath, nothing.

"Wei Ying?" my voice comes out in a raspy whisper. He is silent, not acknowledging me.

I keep him on the ground and proceed towards his cave. I walk around looking for something that tells me he's alive.

Nothing. Not even his body.

I find his Chenqing kept on the bed he used, looking small and empty without its master. I pick it up and remember that there's one last thing I could try.

Summoning Wangji I play Inquiry. Calling out his name. Again and again. Till my fingers bled. I increase its volume each time. Making the cave shatter with its noise.

I get no answer.

Why aren't you coming back to me, Wei Ying? I need you. I'm nothing without you.

I play our song. It sounds different this time, every note was screaming in pain. And as if Wangji couldn't bear it, the strings snap.

I numbly stare at it.

I take Chenqing to my hands, looking at its fine carvings, made by Wei Ying. I run my finger on them. Patterns of lotuses, clouds, inscriptions, and a single line of words. I read it. 'Made out of love.'

Wei Ying...

I stare at it with my head hung low. I could no longer see the writings clearly because of the tears that were falling.

Come back to me... Please

'He can't come back.' Someone says. 'You failed again... You don't deserve to have him... You failed Lan Wangji..."

I failed...

'You should die too..."

I should? Maybe...

What am I to hope for?



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I'm innocent 😁
I will update the next chapter tomorrow. Try not to kill me.
Till next time...

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