Chapter 29 - One Last Time

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"I carry your heart, I carry it in my heart."
E.E. Cummings


Warning: mature content

Wei Wuxian

Thousands of stars and thousands of constellations that they belong to...

I always wondered what they are made of. When I was little, Shijie used to tell me that they were the spirits of the purest cultivators, shining bright in white. It was nice to believe that, to wonder who is among them.

One day I noticed a star which was different from the others, it was red. When I asked her about it she said some words that I will never forget.

'That is someone like you. Stubborn enough to change his color, but pure enough to be a star.'

Those very words have kept me going as long as I can remember.

The view from the roof of Jingshi was breathtaking during the day. Now, in the night time, I could see the faint outlines of the mountain tops.

I was trying to spend the night with an Emperor Smile without thinking that tonight could be the last night I spend in Jingshi. But so far, I'm unsuccessful.

The memory I saw when Lan Zhan did empathy keeps coming to my mind, reminding me of Zewu Jun's words.

Can you survive if you lose me again, Lan Zhan?

I didn't dare to ask him.

I cannot push away when I recall his face which looked so lost when he first hear about my condition. The way he shredded his tears on my shoulder, his plea asking me to stay...

I have to do this for him somehow.

I hear the soft sound of the door opening and I see Lan Zhan step into the garden with his back facing me. It appears I'm not the only person who can't sleep. Sensing my presence he looks up as and finds my eyes. I give him a smile and tap on the roof asking him to come. He jumps on to the roof and sits next to me.

"Lan Zhan, see that star," I say pointing at a bright star, which was the closest to the red one. "That's you."

"Why?" he asks.

I grin. "Then you will be close to me always." I chuckle when I see him looking at me with amusement and confusion. "Nothing, just a childhood memory."

He holds his gaze on the star for some time. "If you want me there, I will be."

I bury my face in the crook of his neck. "I always want you wherever I am Lan Zhan. I want you right next to me." I kiss his neck. "One last time?"

"Not last." He corrects me.

I smile. "Anything you say," I say as we climb down the roof.

As soon as I close the door behind us Lan Zhan pulls me close to him and kisses my lips, gently undoing my robes. I let them fall down my arms. He holds me by the waist and lifts me and I kiss him, putting my legs around his waist. He carries me to the bed and lays me down carefully like a delicate object.

Quickly removing his robes, he hovers me holding himself on his arms, not letting his weight fall on me. He kisses me and slips his tongue into me, and I completely melt into it. He was gentle yet tempting, devouring me with his soft sensual moves.

He kisses my neck and sucks on it, and his hands caress my body making my hair rise. He moves down and feasts on every inch of my torso, and I close my eyes letting myself get lost in his touches.

He applies a handful of oil on himself and fills me up with him, not hurting me at all, and my hands are thrown to his back pulling him closer. He keeps his elbows on either side of my head and kisses me. All his gestures were loving and gentle yet a pure bliss.

This was more than just making love. This was his plea asking me to survive. This was him telling me how much he needs me, how much he loves me.

I chant his name giving in completely. His eyes are focused on mine, memorizing all of me.

When we spill our essence together, a tear escapes his eye and I gently wipe it and kiss him.

The words of our love were written in our eyes.

Tonight they weren't needed to be spoken. Because we had the hope that we will keep coming back to each other.


The next morning I felt that air in Jingshi was unusually heavy, as is our fears were mixed with it. Today will decide. If I'm coming back here, or if it's my time to leave.

We dress up and leave to bid farewell to Zewu Jun.

"I hope you understand why we did not give any information about our plan to you Zewu Jun," I say after sharing-friendly greetings.

"I certainly do."

I smile. "All the traces of Stygian Amulet will die with me. I will not let my mistakes affect this world anymore."

He nods. "I understand." He pats my shoulder. "Xian, you promised to do anything to keep Wangji happy. And this time it means saving yourself. Do it for him."

I nod, smiling at him.

He hugs his brother and rubs his back. "Have hope Wangji, as always."

Lan Zhan nods, almost expressionless, but he was in front of the only two people who could read him.

As we walk out of the Cloud Recess, I turn back to have one last glance. Who would have thought that this will end up being my home?

Lan Zhan patiently waits for me. When I'm done we start off to our destination.

It will end in the place it started, Burial Mounds.

It will end in the place it started, Burial Mounds

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Till next time...

When We Meet Again (The Untamed Sequel)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora