"So you mean that this she demon or whatever starts singing a 'quite' happy tune before starts rampaging through your lines and taking out nearly a whole squadron worth of tanks on her own?" Edward asked.

"Yes. We can't stop her. She terrifies us and with that Centurion of hers and how her crew pilots it, we cant really do anything." Gary said.

"Wait, a Centurion. Does the singing sound that of a little girl?" Miho asked.

Gary only looked at Miho with negative looks and emotions. "Is here being here really necessary?" Gary asked.

"Yes! The Girls from the Japanese schools are our allies and have proven such. Plus Miho is temporary acting commander of the Japanese forces while their commander recovers from sickness." Edward said. "Now answer her question."

"Yes her voice is like a girl. We don't know how she does it but it's simply weird and puts us in a mood." Gary said.

"Ed. This is sounding like it could be Alice Shimada of the All-Stars University team." Miho said.

"You think?" Edward asked.

"I can attest to that Ed. The tanks that were pursuing Gary had the insignia for the All-Stars Team. I think its safe to say they've been hiding up north this whole time." Adam said.

"What do you suppose we do Miho? You're the only of us that has actually first hand knowledge of her work." Edward asked.

"I know she still uses the same strategy from before due to any other university team never beating them. if that is so, then there's a good chance I can beat her. However I'll need help with it." Miho said.

"Tell me who you'll need and their yours. I can get them squared away and ready by tomorrow." Edward said.

"I'll take my whole team, plus a small contingent from both Pravda and your school. If that's ok?" Miho asked.

"Of course. I'll get Hans to prepare his squadron. What else is there?" Edward asked.

"Mr. Ramirez what about the Gustav Cannon, where is that right now?" Miho asked.

Gary only gave a confused look. "A Gustav Cannon? What is that all about?"

"Ok, so the Association still doesn't know about whats going on. That gives us time to find the cannon and take it out." Edward said.

"Do you have another team in mind?" Miho asked.

"Yes, however that cannon is most likely to be heavily guarded. But I think I found a way to kill to birds with one stone." Edward said.

Darjeeling walked into an open room. There were several other people there from both her school and Saunders. She found her tank crew sitting not far away and took a seat next to them.

"Pekoe do you know whats going on?" Darjeeling asked.

"Apparently Mr. Edward wanted us for a debriefing. We might be going on the offensive." Pekoe said.

Darjeeling nodded. With the way things had ended after taking out the Karl's, people had been rearing to go after the Federation. However with the conflict that happened with Saunders and the boys from Montana things were thought to be halted until the fighting was resolved.

Darjeeling's thoughts were dismissed as Edward walked in front of the group. He held a clip board in hand and looked out into the group.

"Alright, thank you girls for coming. If you hadn't heard yet, we have contacted the Association forces in the north of the island. They're in trouble. Someone they call a she demon. You lot might know her as Alice Shimada, from the All-Star University team." Edward let that sink in.

"Miho is assembling a team to go after Alice and give our allies in the north some aid. However we believe there is more to the matter than we can see." Edward said.

"So are we also going after the University team?" A St. Gloriana girls asked.

"No, I have another target for you." Edward gestured behind him to a screen. On said screen showed the massive Gustav Cannon. "We have viable information that Akari has gotten her hands on one of these Cannons. This is siege artillery. Its as illegal as it comes. We believe its stationed around this zone here." Edward pointed to an area on the map now on screen.

"Your mission is to find the cannon and destroy it. And I mean tear it apart. We have some estimates to its exact location, but we also know those places are heavily guarded. It will take some time and patience, but I do believe you girls can find this thing. I thank you for any commitment you give. Commanders Darjeeling and Kay, pick your Squadrons and meet up outside for sendoff." Edward said before walking away.

"Not giving us much of a choice is he?" Assam said.

"When in war one must obey the chain of command. We voted on Edward and Maho being our commanders and so we much keep our word. Besides, at least we'll get away for a while. We haven't left the city in months." Darjeeling said.

"I'll get the tea supplies ready." Pekoe said excusing herself. Assam was to follow until Darjeeling stopped her.

"Assam, a moment." Darjeeling said.

"Yes Ma'am?" Assam said.

"I get the feeling that Edward is also hiding some information from us. If you can get anything on this mission please do so. If not then its no big loss." Darjeeling said.

"Very well, I see what I can find." Assam said taking her leave.

If Edward was planning something without telling anyone it wouldn't be so important if he hadn't said it. However with the strain going on with Saunders and Montana Darjeeling felt that secrecy and lies would only fuel the fire.

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