Claire showed up at my house as soon as she heard about the news that I was back. With chocolates, gummy bears, a tub of ice cream, and a box of tissues just in case I was going to break down, we had a long talk and I explained her everything that happened. Starting from the day when he called me 'Tamara' and I was having suspicions, continuing with Mr. Patrick's harsh words towards me and Jennifer who took me to the cottage, and ending it with the fight between me and Leonardo.

She listened carefully to my words and as I had thought, she didn't really support my action of telling him that I wanted him for his money. But on the other side she said he deserved it for playing around with me and I chuckled at her words. She is going to be in town this week and then is going again to college because the New Year's holidays will be over. When she leaves, I'll really miss her. Luckily I am going to start college next year because I have collected the money to buy a small house near the college. When I buy it, I'm going to take Jonah with me too. Maybe I'll put this house up for rent and also I'll find a part time job. So, I will have plenty of money thankfully. Then, my life will be perfect. There won't be tears, break downs or suffering. It will be the life I've always wanted. A life without Leonardo in it.

My mind is back to reality when I hear my brother's voice from downstairs.

"Amelia, your crazy friend is here."

I get my composure and when I get up and turn around, I find Claire right in front of me. She doesn't even bother ringing the doorbell because she knows she is welcomed anytime.

"Okay, God knows how I am not squealing and throwing myself out of the window from the excitement right now!" She smiles, jumping up and down like an excited kid.

I smirk and raise a brow at her. "What happened? What's so exciting that has you all happy?"

She closes her eyes tightly and a second later squeals. She throws herself into my arms and giggles like crazy. Well, she lasted too long without squealing, I'm impressed.

"Oh my God Claire, chill." I laugh. She pulls away from me and sits on my bed. I sit beside her and shake my head at her in question. "Are you planning on telling me anything or?"

She grabs my hand and happily spills the tea. "Austin said he loves me!"

Austin is the guy she has been seeing in the past months, and I swear once in two days they go on dates. I don't know how Austin is keeping up with Claire because she wants to go in a different place every date.

As a reflect, my hand goes over my mouth which is hanging open from the shock mixed with happiness for my best friend. We both climb on the bed and start jumping on it. This action reminds me of the first time when Claire had a crush on our classmate in fifth grade and out of the blue he had kissed her and ran away as fast as he could, only to trip over his feet and fell on the ground. Poor guy hit his head on a rock and had a terrible headache for the next month. Claire told me that he kissed her and we started jumping on the bed like we're doing now and told me she liked him too. When she went to his house to tell him that he liked him too, he had despatched her and said she was bad luck to him, and slammed the door on her face. Angrily, Claire grabbed a rock and threw it on his bedroom window, breaking down the glass and accidentally hitting him again on his head with the rock.

"Yeah, I'm your bad luck!" She had screamed, and I chuckle at the memory. Things were way easier when we were kids. We could only worry about friendship, clothes, math, and our mere crushes which didn't last long. When you grow up, things get way more difficult.

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