Chapter 33.

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She loves me.

Grace loves me.

I can't even describe how I'm feeling right now, well besides like an idiot for not seeing what has been right in front of me.

I look down at the gorgeous girl in my hands and I can't stop the biggest smile from spreading on my lips.

This girl, I'd do anything for her.

"Let's go home," I say and see Grace's attention focused on something behind me. I turn my head just in time to see a shooting star speed through the night sky.

I close my eyes, I wish for us to be happy.

I already have a feeling we will be.

"Let's go," Grace takes my hand and I know she got it, I know her apartment is only a few floors down, but my room has been our sanctuary and it's where we're headed right now.

The drive to the house is more than torture. I just want to stop the car and kiss her breathless. And by the way she keeps staring at my profile, I just might.

"You like the view?" her eyes are still glued on me.

"Hm?" Grace like I've just woken her up. When she realises what I'd asked her, she rolls her eyes, "don't flatter yourself."

I wink and watch all of her defences break. "Carry on," I tease her.

We finally arrive at the house which is - thankfully - quiet. The party's over.

The hallway is dark and so is the rest of the house. I'll explain everything in the morning.

As soon as my door is closed I push Grace against it and crash my lips on hers.

She still tastes like the peach gin and tonic she had before.

I let the kiss overtake me, my hands wandering around her body. I can feel hers at the hem of my shirt and I break the kiss to let her take it off. I don't miss the lust in her eyes as she puts her hands on my chest.

But now it's my turn, I grab her waist and slowly move us towards the bed, my hands already at the bottom of her shirt.

I take it off her and nearly choke on my breath.

"What?" Grace asks when I'm just staring at her.

"That bra," I swallow, "you wore this on New Years," I see her eyes grow bigger with realisation that she did and then with how I remember that. "I can't believe you're mine," I say before we fall on the bed, kissing every inch of each other.


I wake up to strong arms wrapped around me.

Last night was a lot. All of the feelings boiling in me were just too much. But again, he made me see clarity. Everything fell into place.

Well obviously, since I'm tracing the tattoo on his arm that's resting over my body.

"Mmm," a warm whisper tickles my neck.

"Good morning," I say quietly and snuggle closer to Jungkook.

His bare chest engulfs me in its heat and I'm lost in his scent. I take a deep breath to make sure I'm not dreaming it and I feel him chuckle.

"Whatcha doin'?" his eyes are still closed and he looks absolutely heavenly.

"You smell amazing, did you know that?" I say and bury my face into his chest.

Jungkook's body vibrates with laughter, "What?" I punch his arm, my cheeks on fire, but he only pulls me closer, as if I'm not already almost on top of him.

"You smell like peaches and summer," he says into my hair in a whisper.

I melt at his comment and roll off him.

I wish we could stay in here forever, but the day calls. That means bringing our friends up to speed and talking about it ourselves too, because let's just say we didn't have much time for talk yesterday.

"We're finishing your ceiling later," I say, looking up at the half-painted vines and roses on it.

Jungkook rolls over and smiles so brightly my heart does a flip.


By the time we get to the kitchen, the boys are already sitting at the table eating their breakfasts. All of their heads turn into our direction when we walk in.

"Good morning," Jin says with a deep voice and a sparkle in his eyes. I see you, Kim Seokjin, I see you. And I'm not going to let you tease me.

"Morning, boys," I say back nonchalantly and follow Jungkook to the fridge. Once we make our granola bowls, we sit down at the table.

Yoongi gives me a small, pleased smile and I see Namjoon nod his head in Jungkook's direction.

"What's up guys?" Tae asks, his morning voice smooth like velvet.

Jungkook takes a deep breath next to me and I put my hand on his thigh as encouragement.

"Let's just get this over with," he looks at his friends, "we don't know exactly what we are," his head tuns at me and with one look we both know this is as official as it can be, "but we're happy." I nod and can't help my lips spreading into a smile. We are, we really are happy.

"Finally" Hobi sighs and clasps his hands together.

I look at him with raised eyebrows and he just shrugs, "I've been waiting for you two to get together for almost a year now."

We finish the breakfast just like we always have, with tons of silly jokes and baseball talk.

After making some coffee, Jungkook and I finally escape back up to his room.

I text Ali and Becky to meet up later for a coffee while Jungkook lays out his brushes and prepares the paint.

"You can get started, I just need to go get some cups for cleaning the brushes," Jungkook says while I find a playlist and connect to his speakers.

"Okay," I stand on the bed with black paint on my paintbrush.

This pattern is incredible, i think to myself as I drag the brush along the outlined lines Jungkook has drawn.

I nearly fall off the bed when I turn my head at the quiet sound by the door and find Jungkook standing there, just looking at me.

Fair, I'm only wearing a shirt of his that barely covers my behind now that I'm reaching up to the ceiling. But for once I embrace his lustful eyes, raking up and down my body, lingering a bit longer on my bare legs.

I was never that confident with Christian, or anyone for that matter. I would never think of walking around not fully dressed.

And yet here I am feeling like I'm the only girl in the world by the way he's looking at me.

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