Chapter 7.

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As soon as I enter Becky finds me.

"You're here!" she yells in my ear, the music in here is already deafening. She hugs me tight and looks so happy it brings a smile to my lips.

"And you're getting your present at midnight, so don't even try," I say when I feel her hands around the bag.

She just rolls her eyes and leads me to the counter.

The bar is packed, surprisingly, because it's Thursday. It must be because of the vacation.

I do see some familiar faces and wonder wether he is going to be here too. But I don't know if Blake stayed here or went back home for the holiday.

Maybe I could shoot a text to Ali, I know she lives in the same dorm as him. I think it over and decide not to do it, I can't disturb her dinner. Besides I haven't told her about him.

At the bar Becky orders a Champagne, "Babe, you look so cute," she says. I know she's just making fun of my red nose and cheeks and messy hair.

Becky pulls a hairbrush out of her purse and gives it to me. I thank her with a small nod and brush my hair.

She also offers me some foundation - how does she fit so many things in her purse - but we have different skin tones, Becky's skin is pearl white and mine is more olive coloured, so I can't do much about my red cheeks and decide to just go with it.

While she's paying I have time to check out her outfit.

It's exactly what one would imagine a birthday girl should look like.

The dress is short, incredibly short, with spaghetti straps, showing an impressive amount of cleavage. It's also sparkling like a disco ball, but that's the whole point. She wants to draw attention and have hot, lingering eyes on her the whole night. 

In my opinion she's really brave, I would never go out in an outfit like this. No way.

Becks leads me to her table, it's at the far end of the bar, where the music isn't as loud, thank god. My eardrums feel like they're about to burst.

I can see Maya and Elizabeth standing by the table. Of course they are dressed just like Becky. 

I can see they went shopping together. Maya's dress is bright red, it suits her skin-tone perfectly. Elizabeth is wearing a royal blue, which fits her blonde hair and brings out her blue eyes.

I can't exactly see who they are talking to, but I'm guessing some of Becky's other friends.

Becky leads the way through the crowd with the champagne in her hands and we reach the booth.

"Drinks are here!" Becky yells and Maya turns around with a big red smile on her lips. She looks radiant.

"GG's here!" Maya yells back.

"Let's get this party started!" Liza says when she spots us.

They both run to hug me, and I have to catch them before they fall because of their ridiculously high heels.

They are already drunk and it's not even 10pm yet. I can't do anything but laugh at my friends. 

"C'mon, let's sit down, these hills are killing me," says Maya and pulls me to the table.

I halt in my step when I see how many guys are crammed in the booth. The lighting is dimmed in this corner, but even so, they look oddly familiar.

Wait a second... it's Rebecca's jock friends aka the baseball team.

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