Chapter 6.

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I gave myself a break on Christmas Day, because I deserved and desperately needed one.

But now that the holidays are over, and because Rebecca's party is tonight, I have to do as much as possible during the day. I'm not planning on drinking much or staying out late, but just in case I feel tired tomorrow.

Becks wanted to make today all about her party, like getting our nails and hair done, going shopping for a new outfit and a thousand more things, but I had to turn her down. 

Thank god Maya and Elizabeth could do it, because there is no way I would be spending my time shopping right now.

Not that I like spending my time shopping otherwise. I go when it's necessary, besides why would I buy more clothes when I have plenty in my closet.

By now Becky knows that I won't go shopping, unless she's going to the bookstore, and asks one of her other friends. Sometimes I'm really thankful she has so many friends, but at the same time I know she won't be there for me no matter what, because she's always around.

If she calls me in the middle of night to come pick her up, I will. But I'm not sure she would if I called. Let's hope I never have to find that out.

It's now 3pm and I'm working on my Astrophysics assignment and I'm happy that I'm almost done with it.

I've even made an itinerary for today to make sure I make it to Con's in time.

- 5pm: finish Astrophysics assignment

- 6pm: done with review of Maths final

- 7pm: dinner, get ready for the party (outfit, hair, ride)

- 8pm: start research on Cosmology

- 9pm: Rebecca's party


Everything goes as planned, I'm eating dinner at 7 and picking out what to wear at the same time.

I washed my hair yesterday, so at least I don't need to do that. I'll probably just wear it down, since it's naturally straight, so that I don't feel so exposed.

I know most girls, who have straight hair, wish it was curly. But I love the fact that I don't have to straighten it and that it's so easy to take care of. What's more I even love my hair colour. I think that dark brown hair suits me the best, just the way it is. Besides, I don't have the time or energy to colour it.

I put on just a touch of makeup. I don't wear it often and when I do I only do concealer, eyeliner, mascara and my eyebrows. Again, don't have the time or energy.

I stare at my open closet for a minute before pulling out black skinny jeans with rips at the knees. They're my favourite jeans and also the most comfortable ones. 

I decide to pair them up with a black top, because I'm over the top like that.

I don't particularly like flashy clothes, I tend to stick to the neutrals, black, white, grey, and dark blue. 

I'm not planning on getting much attention in an outfit like this. The girls who dress in short, low-cut and attention-grabbing outfits for a party should get the attention they dressed for.

That's why I'm going all black, to blend in with the surroundings.

I put on some accessories, my favourite necklace with a star pendant, a gift from Ali, my watch and check if my ring is still on my finger, because I've been wearing it for so long I often can't even feel I'm wearing it.

I'm all set and on time. I grab my jacket, phone, wallet and the gift, which arrived only two days ago. I was so stressed about it coming in time.

I take one last look at myself in the mirror in the hallway and step outside.


Gosh, it's so cold. But it's also beautiful. It started snowing on Christmas Eve, and it stopped this morning. Right now the street is so peaceful I want to stay here forever.

But I can't. I have to keep walking. I couldn't catch a ride with Becks, because she went to Con's an hour ago, so now I'm walking there.

It's only a 10 minute walk and the scenery is stunning, so I don't really mind even if the cold is brutal.

I wonder how many people Becky invited. I forgot to ask her. But it's her 20th birthday, so I'm guessing a lot.

I hope it doesn't get weird. Mixing all these different friend groups can be challenging. Becky is a part of so many of them - her acting club, her classmates, her jock friends, her fellow fashion enthusiasts, the sorority sisters aka Maya and Elizabeth, and friends from back home aka me.

I'm already at the door of Con's, my nose is red from cold, my hair messy from the beanie and my hands frozen. 

I take a deep breath, put on a big smile and enter.


"You ready?" yells Hobi from the living room.

"I was ready 10 minutes ago, is Jimin ready?" I yell back from my bed.

I found out this morning we had a party to go to. I mean there has been a bit of a drought in the party area, but I haven't minded it.

When Tae mentioned a party during breakfast, my mind instantly went to the plans about the video game I had made for tonight, while Jimin's face broke into an enthusiastic smile.

I still can't understand where he gets the energy to party so much.

Namjoon saw my not-so-excited expression and assured me we wouldn't stay long. He has plans with his girlfriend Sophie tomorrow. I'm really happy for him, and Sophie is great. She's super smart, just like him and she loves nature. I can see them living happily ever after.

In a year most of my older bros got girlfriends. Jin came home one day with a girl and introduced us to his girlfriend. Maggie is cool too, we often play video games when she's here.

And Yoongi's had a thing for this girl since he was a freshman. Two years ago he finally manned up and asked her out. They have been happy together ever since.

Sometimes when I see them, I feel a ping of jealousy of what they have. But then I remember my main priorities, sports and school.

"Let's go party, boys!" Jimin says when he finally comes from his room.

"Finally!" Hobi and I say at the same time.

"C'mon we want to be fashionably late, not asshole late." says Namjoon and we cram into our two cars.

Even though I'm not the designated driver tonight, with Namjoon and Jin having the honours, I'm not planning on drinking much.

Firstly, I don't want to get out of shape, don't want a hungover, because we have a practice tomorrow and also don't want to feel like crap the next day.

But by the looks in Jimin's and Taehyung's eyes they aren't thinking rationally like I am.

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