Chapter 15.

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This was a fun night, I think to myself, when I lie down on my bed.

It's four in the morning, but it doesn't feel like it.

This has for sure been one of the best parties ever. I needed it, and now I can focus back on school.

I also can't believe another year has began.

Oh, shit.

I forgot to text Mike.

I open my phone and start typing a happy new year message to Mike. I almost send it, when I decide to check the recipient one last time.

Oops, I almost sent it to Jungkook. Thank god I always double-check everything.

Jungkook gave me his number last night, or better this night, so I could come pick up a few books from the Blackheart series I haven't read yet. And he has them all. I'm so envious.

I have to admit I'm still shook over his major. I hadn't expected him to say he studies Business and Economics.

I would have bet he was into something a bit more artsy. Especially after having seen the art he was drawing on his wall and the artistic tattoos on his arms.

I also felt like he wasn't that interested in his major, but I will just let it be. I wouldn't want other people second-guessing my decisions.

Slowly my thoughts start to become hazy and I finally fall asleep.


How is it possible that this year is going by so fast.

I feel as if it has only started but here we are at the end of January.

It's funny how everybody just lies around during the Christmas break and now we have to work our asses off.

Me even more, because not only have the new classes started, we also need to start preparation for the new season.

The practice is brutal and I barely have the energy to do any school-work after. Let alone have any time to work on my video game.

Jimin knows how I feel when he plops down on my bed just as I come out of the bathroom.

"I still don't get how you got the room with the bathroom," he whines, "I'm sure your magic powers had to do something with it."

Jimin is convinced I have some sort of magical powers and he tells everybody about it.

"Wait, how did you know that?" I act surprised and scared at the same time, just to see how far he'll go.

"Ha, I knew it. Now give me some of them," Jimin plays along.

"I think your magical powers with the ladies are enough, don't you?"

Jimin thinks for a second. "Yeah, you're right, I'm magical already." he throws one of his trademark smiles my way and I throw a pillow at him.

"So how's the project going?" he asks me and looks at my unfinished wall drawing.

For a second I panicked and my gaze flew to my table where all my sketches are. I still haven't told him about the video game project.

"Slowly," I say. I had really expected to finish it by the end of this month, but life happens.

That's why I can't wait for this weekend. I finally have some free time.

Jimin stays in my room for a while and we discuss our new game strategy.

Say whatever you want about Jimin, but he does not mess around when it comes to baseball. I've never met anyone more hardworking than him. 

Once he leaves I sit at my table and open my sketchbook. 

My mind wanders to Grace. I haven't seen her in a week, after we'd ran into each other at campus and grabbed a quick coffee. We've been talking a lot, mostly about the books. I love that someone finally gets all the jokes I make. 

She's really cool, I've missed having girl friends, as in girls who are my friends.

I sigh as I open my textbook and start working on my micro-economy paper. This is so boring. But I have to power through. There isn't much of a future in art, besides I'm in this too deep.

I'm getting ready for bed, when Jimin wanders into my room again.

How does he have so much time?

"Tae's setting up GTA, wanna go for a round?" he asks me. He doesn't look tired at all despite it being midnight.

I'm about to answer when my phone rings.

It's a text from Grace.

G: Hey, I finally have a free weekend. Can I come pick up the books?

That's right, I promised to lend her some of my books.

I smile at the phone as I start typing my reply which instantly gets me a comment from Jimin.

"Who is it?" his nosy ass can't stay away from gossip.

"It's just Grace," I say while typing.

"Grace, hm..." Jimin's tone turns mysterious.

"What?" I ask when I finally look up at him.

"Nothing, she's cute," he muses.

I nod. She is cute, she's also funny as hell. I can say that freely now, because I've gotten over that phase by now. I simply like hanging out with her. I don't understand why the guys have to associate me spending time with a girl with dating.

"Well then, carry on," he winks at me before he leaves.

This was awkward, but on the bright side I didn't have to go play video games with him and Tae right now.

I finally send the text back to Grace.

J: heyoo! Sure, I'm home the whole weekend.

Her reply comes immediately.

G: Cool, Saturday afternoon?

J: See ya.

G: Goodnight, Koo.

I smile at the nickname she's given me and decide to tease her back.

J: Night, Gracie.

I can practically see her roll her eyes.


It's finally the weekend. This week has been exhausting.

I don't care that I'm sleeping in, it's 11 and I'm still in bed.

But I have to break free of the soft blanket I'm wrapped in to make a plan for today.

I'm going over to Jungkook's at around 6, by then I have to do some reading for a new class. Maybe I'll make some cupcakes? I need to destress.

I go to the kitchen to check if I have all the ingredients. I decide to make blueberry and raspberry chocolate cupcakes.

I can take some to Jungkook's to thank him for lending me the books.

I sort a few more things out and come up with my schedule for the day while eating brunch, eggs and toast with a big cup of coffee.

Then I'll make the cupcakes and when I'm done I'll go to the library before going to Jungkook's because only the library has the star maps I need to line out on my computer for an assignment.

I clap my hands together and get to work.

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