Chapter 30.

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Sarah is standing before me, something dark and mean behind her eyes and in her tone when she asks, "What is your problem?"

I blink at her and look at Jungkook who's standing next to her. He shrugs.

"I asked," her scrawl is rude, "what is your problem?"

All of my friends' eyes are on us and I'm feeling very uncomfortable.

Jungkook winces when he sees that, but Sarah continues before he can say something.

"Stop playing dumb, I see right through you," he points her long, red manicured finger at me, "constantly throwing yourself at my boyfriend." she holds Jungkook's arm possessively.

I start, "I...I'm not in any way thr-" and I'm cut short.

"Your little 'movie nights', your melodramatic break-ups and your slutty clothes," she points at my outfit, "always sneaking your way next to my boyfriend, I'm telling you right now to stop."

I'm frozen.

Melodramatic? Slutty?

I look down at my outfit, suddenly wishing I still had Ali's jacket on.

"Stop pretending like you care about Jungkook when we all know you just want to get him as your rebound," she could stop there, but she doesn't, "if you're so desperate for attention why did you make Christian cheat on you in the first place?"

I look at Jungkook. He looks just like how I feel. Frozen, like I've just been struck by lightning.

Seeing him, my mindset changes. I can feel fire building up under my skin.

My fault? This insecure girl is saying Christian cheating on me is my fault?

She's implying that I don't care about Jungkook?

We'll see about that.

I look at my friends gawking at the situation unfolding.

Becky notices the sudden fire in my eyes and gives me a terse nod.

"Let me get this straight," I challenge her eyes, "you're saying that I don't care about Jungkook? That I'm just using him as a rebound," my eyes dart to Jungkook who's no longer standing as close to Sarah as before, his jaw is tense and his eyes brown fierce, "and that I'm ruining your relationship?" I turn back to Sarah.

She nods and I feel sick. I've been trying so hard to not get between them.

"And you care about him a lot, right?" the pity in my voice is unmistakable.

Sarah nods again, but her stance has faltered a little and her look has lost some of its confidence. She has no idea where I'm going with this.

"Since you care so much about him, can you just answer this one question," I challenge her.

"If I do, you walk away," she fires back.

"If you answer correctly, then yes, I'll walk away," I look at the boy in question, his eyes unsure what to do or think.

"Carry on," her tone is dismissive, like I'm some nobody.

"What's Jungkook's favourite colour?" I fire at her.

My question gets me a strained cough from Jin, a worried look from Ali, an annoyed one from Sarah and passionate one from Jungkook, which catches me off guard.

There's fire in his eyes, and I notice how his eyes rake up and down my body, landing on my lips.

Sarah laughs in my face, it's not a pretty laugh.

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