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We pulled in to a lot not long later, and Jimmy hopped out of the van. "I'll go scope it out. You guys wait here." Then he was gone. The lot was largely empty, and we were parked on a gravel driveway that led to the only structure on the property. It was a rundown building, made of rotting wood and falling to pieces.

Jimmy kept his gun in his hands as he jogged inside without hesitation and disappeared from view. I could only hope that there was no one in there; we had nowhere else to go.

A loud groan sounded from behind me, and I turned to see Frank stirring. "Ger- ah!" He cut himself off with a noise of pain and went to clutch his chest, only to scream in pain yet again as his hand pressed on to the bandage.

"Frank, shh baby you'll be just fine. I promise." I murmured, taking his hand and squeezing it comfortingly. "Mikey, do you have the stuff to help ease the pain?" My brother wordlessly put three pills in to Frank's mouth. My boyfriend swallowed them without complaint, his eyes screwed shut against the world and the hole in his body.

He attempt to push himself upright, despite my protests, practically falling in to my lap with a grunt of pain. "Fuck. They fucking shot me." Frank groaned, pale and sweating.

"You think?" I retorted, leaning around to kiss his cheek. Tentatively, I brushed a bit of his short hair away from his ear, "How are you feeling?" I asked quietly, so no one else could hear. I wanted him to feel free to answer me honestly.

Frank's breathing was heavy as he gave a weak shrug, "Alive." He told me, which did just about nothing to quell my worries.

Before I could say anything, however, I jeard Jimmy's voice, "It's all clear, guys. We can stay." So we exited the van, Pete helping Patrick to limp, and Mikey and I practically dragging Frank between the two of us, one of his arms around each of our shoulders. Lyn-Z locked up the van and walked ahead of us with Jimmy and Ray.

We looked beaten down, to say the least. But we weren't defeated. We would die with our masks on if we had to, metaphorically speaking. I couldn't picture myself in a mask.

The bunker, as Jimmy called it, was a one-floor building that contained nothing but old construction supplies. Underground, however, was another story. The basement opened up in to a network of rooms and passages. There were multiple bedrooms, a kitchen, a bathroom with plumbing, and enough canned food to last several lifetimes. "In case I ever need to become a hermit." Jimmy explained after giving us the tour.

The walls were all a bleak gray, unpainted metal and the air was stale, but after leapfrogging from apartement to apartement, we were really running out of options. The place wasn't pretty by means, but it was remote and inconspicuous, which was just what we needed right at the moment.

Mikey and I placed Frank on one of the stiff, prison-quality beds and redressed his wound with fresh bandages and a new coat of medicin. The pills had kicked in, and he only made a few small noises of pain, which I was quick to shush with kisses. He was bleeding a lot less now, which was a huge relief. He wasn't going to die.

Things had been looking hopeful for a while now, but I hadn't been willing to let myself assume that he would live. Until now.

Disaster had been averted, and I wasn't going to lose the man I loved.

Mikey left the bedroom, rejoining everyone else in one of the other rooms as I pulled up a chair beside my boyfriend's bed.

"Frankie," I choked out, not realizing that I was about to cry until I heard my own voice, "I thought you were going to die. I was so fucking worried, oh my god. I love you."

Frank smiled and squeezed my hand, his grip reassuringly tight despite his injury. "I love you too Gerard, and if we get out of this alive I'm gonna marry the living shit out of you."

I blushed, my eyes widening of their own free will. "Good." I leaned down and kissed him gently. "And we are going to get out of this alive."

"I know sweetie, I know." Frank replied, but we were bothe just trying to convince ourselves and we knew it.

"We just have to wait it out." I said, "We should talk to Jimmy about intercepting messages from BLI and stuff."

"Remove yourself from leader mode for a second." Frank commanded me, as sassily as he could whilst bedridden. "Relax Gerard, you're carrying too much. Take a moment, okay? We just survived something fucking huge. Let's just appreciate that we're alive and take it easy for a bit, then you can get all intense again if you want."

I grinned ruefully, "Sorry. You're right, we are lucky to be alive."

"Damn right. Was Patrick hurt too? Pete was supporting him."

"Yeah, he got shot in the leg. Flesh wound. Coulda shattered the bone but it didn't. You were both really fuckin lucky."

My boyfriend tugged my face down close to his, "I know." Then he kissed me again.

"I wanna sleep." Frank said randomly as I pulled away.

"Oh okay, I can go-"

"No, you idiot. I need someone to cuddle."

Smiling, I put my weapons on the chair and got in the bed beside my boyfriend, holding him tightly in my arms as we fell asleep together.

And just there, for a moment, the stress faded. I wasn't worried. I was relaxed, I was calm, and I felt truly confident. I was happy.




I don't really have an excuse beyond procrastination and trying to build up KMLAS (which is what I've been updating while this fic lay forgotten)

So I got Gerard Way tickets and my friend and I are going and we got floor tickets I'm vvv excited

Does anyone else feel feverish after they eat like ten Icebreakers in a row bc wowieeee that's happening

My hair streak is purple again woooo


ULTRASEX-kellic AU by NytroGliceryne (and I swear this isn't just because I'm writing the smut for it)

I hope I die before they save my soul, and remember to create and destroy as you see fit


Frank Iero Must Die {Frerard}Where stories live. Discover now