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Eventually, I found a motel just outside New Jersey. As we pulled in to the lot, I glanced at Frank. He was sitting completely still, staring out the windshield. It was obvious that he was lost in thought.

Watching him, I found myself wondering what he was thinking. This was not something that happened often, seeing as I usually found other people's thoughts petty and boring. Frank definitely intrigued me, that much was certain, but I couldn't afford to fall for him just now. We were fleeing for our lives, after all.

Forcing my fingers to run through my unruly mess of red hair, I pulled in to a free parking spot. "I'll run in and get us two rooms." I announced, only to be shushed by Frank. "The loverbirds are sleeping." I looked in the backseat to find my brother cuddled up to Pete, both of them fast asleep. Looking away quickly, I got out of the car to run in and get us rooms for the night. Seeing how happy my brother was with Pete had awakened a want- no -a need within me. I realized that I wanted a relationship. And I wanted one with Frank. Shit.

* * *

Trying not to be envious is difficult, especially when your envy isn't actually directed at anyone in particular. In this case, my envy was directed at Mikey and Pete because of their relationship. There I was, trying not to sigh with longing as I watched Pete carry my sleepy borther to their room. I knew I was being stupid. You can't turn a friends with benefits arrangement in to something more, everyone knows that. And yet, I wanted to. But there was no way I could ever tell Frank that.

We went in to our room and I sat down on the bed, putting my head in my hands. God, I needed some fucking music right now.

The bed creaked as Frank sat next to me, "Hey Gee," he said quietly, his voice almost a whisper, "You know you can tell me what's bothering you, right?" "I can't." I said brokenly, pulling my head up from my hands and looking in to his perfect eyes, "I can't because it'll make it worse." Frank sighed, "If you don't want to talk to me about it, at least talk to your brother, okay? Mikey really cares about you." I nodded, "Okay, I guess. We need to plan our next move anyway." And that's how I ended up spilling my guts to my younger brother.

We were sitting in the corner of his room, and I had just finished explaining my feelings for Frank. The man in question was having an equally hushed conversation with Pete Wentz on the opposite side of the room. Mikey squealed, which I quickly muffled with my hand over his mouth.

"If you tell him, so help me I will strangle you with that t-shirt that your boyfriend seems to enjoy taking off far too much." It was true, Pete had already rid himself of his tight black top, leaving his muscles and tattoos on display. I wished Frank would do that. Mikey rolled his eyes, "I know you guys have the whole friends with benefits deal, but you should see the way he looks at you."

My face felt warm, and I knew I was blushing. "I'm going to get you two together." Mikey said decisively, and I groaned. This would not end well.

"Okay!" Mikey stood up, clapping his hands together and jolting us all in to reality, "What's the plan?" "We could run." Pete suggested, "I've always wanted to go to Bangkok." Three pairs of eyes were rolled at his childishness.

"We should fight back." Mikey said, surprising me, "Then in the end, either we die or we win." "No one's going to be dying." I said sharply, making it clear that I was in no way about to let Mikey put himself in the line of fire. "Then what can we do?" He demanded. "Trick them." I said, at the same time as Frank said, "Outsmart them." "Yeah, that." I nodded, gesturing towards Frank. Mikey and Pete grinned, "You even think alike." Wentz said, and I blushed. I had been doing far too much of that lately.

"How?" Pete asked, when it became clear that Frank and I weren't going to reply to his awkward comment, and I thought for a moment. "First, we need to be sure of who's behind this." I said, "I can call my friend Ray for that. Then, depending on who it is, we figure it out from there."

A phone call later, I was staring at my untraceable burner cell in shock. "That can't be right." I murmured, eyes locked on the 'Call Ended' screen. "Ray must have made a mistake." I stated, shaking my head, knowing in the back of my mind that this was denial. Mikey frowned, "What did he say?"

"He said it was a joined operation between my organization and Frank's. They decided that we're liabilities due to our psych reports so they pitted us against each other, knowing that we have equal skills. They figured one would die and the other would be injured severely enough to make him an easy target. They didn't reckon on us..." I cleared my throat awkwardly, "Hooking up."

Frank and Pete stared, and Mikey's lower lip trembled, "You said you became an assassin to protect me, Gee. How are you supposed to protect me when you're dead because of your goddamned job?" His voice was bordering hysterical now, "I can't fucking lose you!" Pete wrapped his muscled arms around my trembling younger brother, "Shh...Mikes, it's gonna be okay." I didn't know what to say, so I said nothing.

When Mikey had gotten himself under control, I told them my plan. "We have to pit the two organizations against each other. Damage one in the name of the other. Create fights. Make the operation fall apart."

The guys all nodded along with my plan and I beamed, outlining the first step.

Once everyone completely understood what we were going to do the following day, Frank suggested that we all get a good night's sleep before putting our plan in to action tomorrow. He punctuated that with a wink towards me, implying that he wanted to do something other than sleep, which was quite tempting for me at the moment.

For a second, I thought about staying to chat more with my brother, but then he started giving Pete a hickey and I got out of there faster than a Justin Bieber fan at an Asking Alexandria concert (or vice versa).

Frank and I returned to our room and the only thing on my mind was that I should confess to him...shouldn't I?

This story got rated R...can't imagine why

It's not like there's a crapload of smut or anything, that would be positively shameful

~Dani ♡

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