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I'm so fucking bored atm

I have to babysit my sister and brother for the rest of my summer break and my mom is paying me as little as possible ugh

On the other hand, I can now afford concert tickets and more band merch so I should really stop complaining about my life

I followed Frank back in to the room, nervously debating whether to tell him or not. In an attempt to settle my thoughts, I made a quick pros and cons list in my head.


-it would take the suffocating weight off of my chest

-he might feel the same

-I would be able to find out where I stand with him


-I might recieve a negative reaction from Frank

-I don't know how to put it in to words

-I don't want to ruin the physical relationship that we already have

-I have no chance with him

The cons definitely outweighed the pros in this situation.

I was always one for practicality, and I knew all too well that Frank had probably never thought of me in a romantic light. We'd been trained to have no emotions whatsoever, like assassins should. I was probably the exception to that rule, using my emotions to my advantage when it came to killing people. But then, Frank and I were very mentally similar, so maybe I did have a chance with him. In my mind, however, that was highly unlikely.

Just as I decided not to tell him, he advanced towards me, lust shining in his eyes. He leaned forwards, and just as we were about to kiss, he pulled away. Frank let out a broken sob and put his head in his hands. "I-I can't Gee. I just..." he trailed off.

I was staring at him. I'd never seen Frank this emotional before, and I hated to see the tears that were tracing their way down his cheeks from his hazel eyes, dripping off of his perfectly shaped jawline. "Frankie?" I asked hesitantly, "What's wrong?"

Suddenly his arms were around me, fingers gripping tight in to my back like he might lose me. This was not a hug between fuck buddies, or even friends. No, this was a hug between two people who shared a profound bond. His chin was on my shoulder, tears soaking my shirt. I had a sudden flashback to the second time we'd fucked.

"Mmf Gerard...m-maybe we shouldn't." Frank gasped, and I frowned slightly, pulling away and cupping his face in my right hand, "Why not?"

"Well, we actually know each other now and I don't know what you'd want us to be a-and...oh fuck, Gerard!" Frank lost his train of thought as I kissed his neck and palmed him through his jeans. "Do you have something against a casual fuck now and then?" I whispered questioningly in his ear. "No, of course not." he mumbled.

He's said he didn't know what I'd want us to be. Was it possible that he had wanted or hoped to become something more? As I hugged him back, I considered this and realized that Frank really did care about me. He would always ask me what was wrong, and he hadn't pried too much in to my secrets, asking me to tell Mikey about them instead. Frank cared, and in that moment I was more attracted to him than ever. But then came the million dollar question. Did he care about me as a friend or a fuck buddy, or was it more? God, I hoped it was more.

I ran my fingers through his hair, trying to soothe him and stop the tears, "Shh, Frankie. Tell me what's wrong." I could feel him shaking his head against the fabric of my top and I sighed, "You don't have to tell me. I just want to know if you're okay." Frank was trembling, but he managed to get a sentence out in a calm, clear voice. "I'm afraid that you'll hate me."

I wasn't sure what to think about that, so I just told him my honest opinion on the subject, "I could never hate you." It was true. Out of all the tangled up emotions that I had for Frank Iero, I was completely positive that hate would never be one.

I had experienced a lot of hatred in my life, both from and towards other people. People tended to hate me, whether it was for my sexuality or my occupation, or simply who I was.

I had also always had a lot of hatred of my own. I hated my mother, I hated my father, I hated my job, I occasionally hated myself, but not Frank. Never Frank. I was well and truly incapable of feeling hatred towards Frank Iero.

However, it wasn't until after I told him that I could never hate him, that I realized just how cheesy and romantic it sounded. I could only hope and pray that he wouldn't notice, because I wasn't sure that I could stand the embarrassment of being found out over something so stupid. It was a major slip on my part, but luckily, Frank didn't seem to notice my slip up at all.

"Okay, look." Frank said, pulling away and looking down, "I'm going to tell you something, a secret, and you can't laugh at me. You can't judge me. Depending on your reaction, I might just ask you to forget I ever told you about it. Okay?" I nodded dumbly, more than moderately worried about what he was going to tell me and why he was so nervous about sharing it.

So many different types of confessions could trigger that amount of anxiety. He could be telling me that he was self-harming, or that he was falling for my brother, or that he had to kill me.

For a split second, I actually allowed myself to entertain the idea that he was going to tell me that he had feelings for me, but I forced the thought away as quickly as it had appeared. I wasn't sure why I was so against the idea, perhaps it was self-loathing or pessimism or something else, but either way, Frank proved me wrong.

"Gee, I...I really like you. More than a friend or an affair. I think I might have started to develop feelings for you, actually."

My jaw dropped and my eyes widened, shock filling me, "Really?" Frank nodded, his entire body coiled as though anticipating a blow. I was in no way going to hurt him though, emotionally or physically. No, I had something much better in mind.

"Frankie, would you maybe like to be my boyfriend?"



Has anyone else ever noticed that MCR has a song called Kill All Your Friends and then in The Light Behind Your Eyes it says "so long to all my friends, everyone of them met tragic ends"

Just saying

I started a Jenna McDougall fanfic if anyone wants to read it


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