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I might not be able to update next week :c We'll see

Frank agreed out of pure desperation, that much was clear.

"I'm Gerard, by the way." I told him as we made our way out of the park, both of us scanning the area for people watching us, an assassin's instinct I guess.

"Frank. So where in New Jersey is your brother's place?" Frank asked. "I actually share the place with him," I replied, "It's in Belleville." Frank froze, "Belleville?" his voice wavered.

I cursed inwardly, only remembering now that Belleville was where he'd grown up with his abusive father. How the hell did I forget something like that?

"Problem?" I asked, keeping my voice and face clear of emotions. Frank shook his head, getting himself under control with effective speed, "No, my shoulder feels like it's on fire though."

I cocked an eyebrow, "I'm not apologizing. I got shot in the arm too." Frank muttered something unintelligible under his breath about how neither of us would probably have been shot in the first place if I hadn't decided to kill him.

I chose to be the bigger person and ignore that comment.

I threw my phone on the ground and shot it, using my left arm. Frank did the same. I was impressed to see that his shot was dead on, even with his bad arm.

"We need a car..." I murmured, making my way towards an old Honda Civic. "Tell me you're joking." Frank said from behind me. I turned around, "We need to be inconspicious, and this is our best bet."

Frank, who had been eyeing a brand new Mercedes Benz sighed, "Whatever. Can you hotwire it?" I shot him a look and he put his hands up as if to defend himself. "Alright, alright, sorry!"

Ten minutes later, I was behind the wheel of the car, speeding down the street, trying to ignore the pain in my arm. "You wouldn't happen to have a hat, would you?" I asked, and Frank stared at me. "When the hell would I have gotten the chance to grab a fucking hat?"

I rolled my eyes, "Never mind then. Red hair just isn't the most subtle." "It's pretty fucking hot though." he said, and I turned my head towards him slightly, raising my eyebrows. "Just saying." Frank muttered under his breath and I laughed softly, turning my attention back to the road.

We drove in silence for a while, stopping only once so I could buy a hat and we could get bandaged up and switch cars. By switch, I mean steal a new one, but I refuse to feel any level of guilt about it. We did what we had to do, what with the assumption that people were after us.

Not long later, we were arriving outside the apartement I shared with Mikey. I parked the car in one of the reserved parking spots for the building, and we made our way up the stairs to the sixth floor.

I knocked softly on the door, and there was a call of "One sec!" A moment later, Mikey opened the door, wearing nothing but boxers. "Gee!" he cried, hugging me, "You're home!" I gasped in pain as he hugged me, putting pressure on the bullet wound in my arm.

Mikey frowned, pulling away from the hug, "What happened? And who's this?" He gestured towards Frank, who just smirked and said, "Gee will explain in a minute. Can we come in?"

My little brother turned beet red, "Sure, um...if you wanna meet my boyfriend." My eyes widened, and I grinned. "You have a boyfriend? And you didn't tell me?!" "Coming from the assassin showing up at my door with a bullet in his arm and a hot guy beside him!" he retorted, then turned to Frank, "I'm Mikey, by the way." "Frank," the idiot beside me replied with a smile. Damn his hotness.

Mikey moved out of the doorway, allowing us to enter the apartement. Behind him, a black haired man with extensive amounts of eyeliner was pulling on his shirt. "Umm hi," he said, "I'm Pete."

"Gerard." I said, "And this is-" "Oh my god, Frank?" Pete cried, "What the hell are you doing here?" "I could ask you the same, Wentz." Frank replied. "They're really mad at you, man." Pete said, shaking his head, "What did you do?"

"Wait...you know each other?" Mikey questioned, and Pete nodded guiltily, avoiding his eyes. "Frank works for the same organization as me." Now I felt obligated to step in, "Mikey, you're dating a killer?" Mikey's eyes were wide and his face was red, "I had no idea Gee, I swear!"

I turned to Pete, "You'd better explain this before you become my next target." I spat angrily, and he froze. "You're...you're Gerard Way! There's a huge reward for killing you, but no one wants to because you're so dangerous." He blurted, and I nodded, "That's me. You'd better not be thinking turning me in or killing me, because I have a gun, and you only have that knife in your sock."

Mikey slapped my arm, "Gee, stop scaring him! It doesn't matter if he's an assassin, you can't tell me off for being with him. You kill people for a living too." I sighed, knowing he was right. "You're taking this too well." I muttered, but he ignored me.

"Go wait in my bedroom while I talk to my boyfriend." Mikey commanded, and Frank and I obliged.

We sat on Mikey's bed as they talked. "Well this is interesting." Frank stated, and I gave him a look. "Interesting? That's your description?" Frank sighed, "Well it's pretty messed up. You know that we can't stay here, and we'll have to bring Mikey with us. And Pete. Hell, we might have to kidnap him."

I sighed, "I know. I've just always tried so hard to protect him from this, and what I do. Now I can't. What if he gets hurt?" Frank put a hand on my shoulder, "We'll look after him, and Pete seems to really care about him. He won't get hurt."

I smiled at him, "Thanks, Iero." "Least I could do." he replied. "We did fuck after all." I added, and he groaned, "Will you ever let me forget?" I smirked, "Not until it happens again."

Before he could reply, Mikey knocked on the door, "You guys had better not be getting it on in there! Go to Gerard's room for that, and keep it down!" I got up and shoved the door open.

"Excuse me." Mikey said in an apologetic manner, pushing past us, pulling Pete with him. They started making out, and it was clear that they had resolved things, so Frank and I got out of there as quickly as we possibly could.

I was not looking forward to a night of listening to my little brother banging his boyfriend.

Pikey is in da building

I actually ship Rikey and Peterick but Ray was already in the story sooo

Frank Iero Must Die {Frerard}Where stories live. Discover now