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When I was younger, I'd never understood why people talked about the warm feeling of waking up next to the person you loved most in the world. Now, as I woke up with my arm securely around Frank's bare waist, I was starting to understand where those people had been coming from.

My alarm was beeping steadily, telling me that it was six in the morning. Reaching one arm out, I managed to turn the alarm off while still keeping the other arm around my naked boyfriend's waist. The sheet that had been covering us had gotten somewhat tugged down during the night so that is curled around our legs loosely, failing to provide any warmth or cover. I didn't mind, I had Frank's comfort and body heat to make up for that.

Despite how much I would have loved to stay exactly where I was for the remainder of the day, I knew that I had to get myself moving if we were going to get everything done in that one day. I would have liked to have more time to plan and prepare for what we were about to do, but none of us were willing to run the risk of having the organizations catch up with us while we sat around and went over plans.

Frank shifted beside me, his legs tangling up with mine as he mumbled something about lemon hair, which brought an idea to my mind. Detangling myself from my boyfriend, I pulled my boxers on and made my way to the bathroom. Looking through the cabinets, I found lots of different flavours of lube, and what I was looking for. Hair dye. Was I becoming slightly obsessed with dyeing my hair? Maybe.

The tag on the bottle I'd found was worn, although it had clearly never been opened, and I couldn't quite make out what the colour was. Deciding that I had nothing to lose, I repeated the now-familiar process of dyeing my hair. By the time I returned to the bedroom, my hair was a satisfactory copper colour.

Frank was no longer in the bedroom, so I added a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt to my small amount of clothing and went to the kitchen, where I found Frank alone making eggs. He was wearing nothing but my sweatshirt, which just covered everything and made it maybe halfway down his thighs. He was humming as he cooked, wiggling his butt back and forth. I was surprised at how domestic everything seemed.

"Hey baby." I kissed him on the cheek and Frank smiled, "Hey Gee!" He glanced at me, his eyes widening as he took in my appearance. "Your hair!" I froze, not sure whether he meant that exclamation in a good or bad way. "Yes or no?" I asked, striking a silly pose and pointing to it. "Hell yes!" Frank kissed me deeply before pulling away abruptly to return to his eggs.

I got out a pot and a can of beans, turning a burner on and setting it up. "I see you stole my sweater." I commented, slapping his ass lightly and getting a giggle in response. "Yeah, but look how cute I look in it!" He exclaimed, turning to face me and spreading his arms to demonstrate, which caused the sweater to ride up and show a little more skin that I couldn't help glancing at.

Frank patted my cheek, "My eyes are up here. I look cute in your sweater, right?" Rolling my eyes, I pressed a quick kiss to his lips before returning to preparing the beans, "Of course you do, Frankie."

* * *

Breakfast was a quiet affair. Everyone was silently energetic with anticipation for what was to come. There was a lot of foot-bouncing and finger-tapping, but no one spoke a word as we devoured our eggs and beans. No one even commented on Frank's attire, or lack thereof, although there were a few raised eyebrows at my hair.

Patrick and Ray had both already left for work, seeing as they had to be there for six-thirty every morning, so our numbers had been reduced. There was still a lot of angry tension between my brother and Pete, plus all of us barely knew Brendon and Jimmy. It definitely made for one awkward meal.

As we finished, I cleared my throat and all eyes turned to me. "It's eight now. We, everyone but Mikey and Pete, leave at nine, got it?" They all nodded. "Good, the command centre should be set up just fine, Brendon still has the laser, and we can arrive at the entrance for nine-thirty, correct?" Another round of nods, followed by everyone getting up to go shower and dress as I waved a dismissal with my hand.

Frank and I tidied up the remnants of breakfast and returned to our room. We changed in to comfortable black jeans and t-shirts, putting all of our weapons in the bed and dividing them equally between the two of us. I attached a few to the strap over my back, and some to my belt, tucking others in to my combat boots and clothing.

We met each other's eyes. "Are you ready?" Frank asked me nervously, twisting his hands together as he stood in front of me. I thought it over, already knowing my answer and deciding that honesty was probably the best policy in this situation, "No way in hell." My boyfriend laughed and hugged me tightly, "Thank God, I'm not either." I kissed the top of the shorter man's head, "Come on, let's go."

In the living room, we found Mikey and Pete practically drowning in wires and technology while Jimmy and Brendon counted their individual weapons.

"Here." Mikey tossed me four little things that I assumed were earpieces. Putting one in my left ear, I handed the rest out to Frank, Jimmy, and Brendon. "They double as tracking devices, and the range is great so we'll be able to tell where you are underground. The computers are all configured with maps of the tunnels and sewers so we can be exact."

He said computers, plural, because there were literally five laptops surrounding him and his boyfriend, each with something different and probably important on the screen. They all had their own chargers plugged in to the wall and were connected to each other and separate, smaller devices that served God-knows-what purpose.

We spent the next half-hour going over all the fine points and details, most of them not for the first time, and then it was time to go. Our goodbyes were relatively unemotional, besides my hug for Mikey. "Ready Mikey?" I asked him jokingly through the earpieces minutes later as Frank, Jimmy, Brendon, and I piled in to the van. "Fuckin' ready!" He exclaimed, sounding almost like a little kid.

That's when I vowed not to die that day. For Mikey. Because he needed someone, because he was still young. Because he was my brother.


Alright I would like to take a moment to remember Frank's adorable little smile at the end of Every Snowflake. Now remember the cute smile at the end of Joyriding.

That man will be the death of us all.

Like how can you do that same overly happy toddler smile while on a kids TV show and then again years later while covered in fake blood? What are you?

ALSO I apologize for yet another "idea" reference. I can't fucking help myself

To top it all off, I made Gerard dye his hair again


I had to write a short myth for school and I couldn't think of names so I just used all the members of MCR's full names backwards (Yawdrareg, Oreiknarf, Orotyar, etc.)


The Rich And The Poor (Auliver) by StaticNinja2000

Professional Griefers-Jalex by Ktg2014

Fake your death, and remember to create and destroy as you see fit

~Dani ♥

Frank Iero Must Die {Frerard}जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें