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There were at least twenty of them, all armed with guns. I couldn't quite tell what guns they were in the dark, but I could see that they weren't ones to mess with. Subtly, I slipped the Better Living Industries file in to my jacket.

Where were Jimmy and Brendon?

The answer came to me when I saw them standing a little ways off, outside of the circle of gunmen surrounding us, Brendon's gun pressed to Jimmy's temple. It didn't take a genius to figure out what was going on. Brendon had betrayed us. It hit me hard. We had trusted him. I had trusted him, and God knew how rarely I trusted people.

I was suddenly very aware of the file tucked in to the inside of my jacket. That had to be what they wanted, along with our lives. And they know where Mikey and Pete are, thanks to Brendon. My heart skipped a beat. I had to warn them.

"Drop your guns down in the water." A female voice called from among the gunmen, but I couldn't identify where. We were outnumbered, and I didn't have a death wish, so I did as she said.

"Hands on your heads." She stepped forward, gun directed at my head as Frank and I obeyed. She had black hair, pulled up in to a ponytail, and a smile that would be considered childish if she weren't holding a gun.

As we placed our hands behind our heads, I managed to press the button on my earpiece. "You won't get the rest of our team. They know you've got us, they know to run." I said, hoping that Mikey and Pete were listening. Mikey's voice came through my earpiece, "Shit, Gee. We're leaving the apartment now. Sit tight. Are you okay?"

The woman gave a sharp laugh, "They do now. Earpieces out, toss 'em in the water." I sighed, secure in the knowledge that I'd at least had time to warn my brother and Pete. My heart skipped a beat as I realized that Patrick and Ray were in danger. Brendon knew about them and could tell anyone. I took my earpiece out and threw it down, watching as Frank did the same.

"We're going to shoot you now." She told us, raising her gun. I inhaled deeply, reaching out and taking Frank's hand in my own. So this was how it would end. In a sewer. With the love of my life's hand clutched tightly in my own, staring down the barrel of another assassin's gun.

I was strangely unperturbed by the whole thing, except Frank's inevitable death. If there were some heroic way to sacrifice myself for him, I would, but that didn't happen in real life. In real life, we were fully surrounded, and we were both going to die no matter what happened.

"But first," She said, and I let out a breath I hadn't realized I'd been holding, "Give us the file."

"You're gonna kill us anyway." Frank spat, giving her the finger with one of the hands held above his head. She just laughed, "But we're not going to kill Patrick. That is, if you give us the file. If not, Mr. Stump is going to suffer a slow and painful death."

My mind flashed back to the few memories I had of Patrick, him admitting his feelings for Pete to me, his random idea of baking cookies. He was so naïve, so innocent. I couldn't be the cause of his death.

With a sigh of defeat, I reached down slowly, took the file from my jacket, and held it out. Stepping forward, she took it with a flirtatious wink, "Lyn-Z."

"Gay." I replied.

"Nice to meet you, gay." Lyn-Z smirked, rejoining the circle of people around them. She swung her gun to the side, completely out of the blue and pulled the trigger. As she held it down, a spray of bullets erupted from it as she swung around. On instinct, I ducked and pulled Frank with me as her gunmen fell one by one.

As she lowered her gun, I slowly stood up and pushed Frank behind me. A gunshot rang out to my side, and I glanced over in time to see Brendon's limp body fall as Jimmy held his gun with a triumphant smile. I looked back over at Lyn-Z to see her grinning insanely, "You're welcome, gay."

"It's Gerard." I frowned, crossing my arms. Was she trying to be funny?

"No, he's gay." Frank said cheekily, stepping out from behind me and pressing a soothing kiss to my neck, "And I'm Frank."

Lyn-Z shot him a friendly smile, holstering her gun at her side, above her plaid mini-skirt. "Nice to meet ya, I'm a friend of Jimmy's. He didn't want to tell you guys he told me about the plan until after because he was worried you wouldn't trust him for telling someone. But hey, it saved your lives."

"Thank you for that." Frank said with a smile, nudging me. I shook my head stubbornly, glaring at the woman in front of me, "I'm not thanking her unless she stops calling me gay."

"Babe, you're pretty gay." My boyfriend slung an arm around my shoulders, earning a scoff from me and muffled laughter from Jimmy, who I proceeded to frown at. "We should get moving." Lyn-Z said, stepping calmly over a few dead bodies that were now crumpled and floating listlessly in the sewer water, "They're bound to send more people when we don't come back."

Just like that, we'd lost one member of our team and gained another in the space of ten minutes.

Jimmy still had his earpiece in, so he contacted Mikey and Pete and brought them up to speed, telling them to meet us in Cemetery Drive because, according to Lyn-Z, Brendon hadn't gotten the chance to tell anyone about it. I was relieved when I heard that, because I couldn't be one hundred percent sure of any other exits from the sewers.

"We have to warn Patrick and Ray." I said, "But let's not pull Ray out of his job just yet. They don't know about him, right?" With the last word, I turned to Lyn-Z for confirmation. She nodded, and Jimmy told Mikey to call Patrick and warn him to get out and meet us.

Lyn-Z handed me the file as we began to jog back through the maze of tunnels to our meeting place. "Thanks."

"No problem, gay."



Also because this hit 30 000 reads and 1 500 votes and 1000 comments and wow guys those are big numbers

Hopefully this softens the pain of school tomorrow *shudder*

Mondays are the worst. That is all.

Lyn-Z has arrived YAAAAY

Don't look back in anger, and remember to create and destroy as you see fit

~Dani ♡

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